Rin and Shima's Despiration

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Then I realised... Mavis was here... "M-M-Mavis?!" I yelped, sweatdropping. Since when could she appear in spirit form anyway? "In case you're wondering how I'm here, I'm using thought projection magic." Mavis told me. "Thought projection magic?" I asked her. "You'll learn it in due time." She told me. "O-Oh! Okay!" I said.

She was so lively for a spirit. Turns out, she was known as the Fairy Tactician in her world.

I was at cram school today. "...I wonder... What can we do?!" Rin suddenly asked one day. "I absolutely wanna go! I mean, Camy, Uver, Rookies... Lots of Amazing artists are coming! But to participate you need to bring a female partner and Shiemi is not a student. And Izumo..." Rin started. "I'm not going anyway." Izumo said. "Aaah! I have no other female friends!" Rin whined. I wondered why. "What's this about, anyway?" I asked.

"True Cross Academy is holding its annual school festival, and Rin and Shima are upset because they want to go to the dance party but can't because they have no female friends." Izumo explained to me. "Izumo, if you don't like Okumura, will you go with me?" Shima asked her, sending air kisses to her. "I'm not going even more." Izumo said. "Wait! You take online classes at this school so you're still considered a student!" Rin told me. "Yeah, and?" I asked him.

"What he's trying to say is, that you can actually go with me to the dance party." Shima said, coming closer to me. Did he understand the concept of personal space? "Like hell you are going with my little sister!" Rin said, giving a death glare to Shima. "Onii-chan, Shima, I hate to be mean to you two, but... I am not going with either of you guys to the school festival." I told them. "What?!" They cried. I swear they had the personality of a young toddler.

"I'm too tired from the U.A. Festival as it is. I'm just going to sleep, and possibly read a few books." I said. "Suguro and Konekomaru, what are you doing?" Rin asked. "I'm not going either. I have no girls to invite." Konekomaru said. "How stupid." I heard Suguro say. "What the hell, are you all going to sleep all night?!" Rin asked. 

"Hey. The exorcist exam is coming up in three months, and it's only once a year. I want to pass the first time. I'm already behind because of all the missed lessons... And I have no time because I started practical classes from the 2nd term. I'm going." Izumo said. "For the first time, I agree with her." Suguro said. 

"Eh, where are you going?" Rin asked. "I'm going to practice firearms. I too wanna pass Aria and Dragoon the first time. I have no time to waste in romance right now." Suguro told us. I felt my heart skip a beat when Suguro said those. 

I felt my heart flutter when I was near him. I still couldn't forget his confession. I was planning on telling him after the Exorcist Exam had passed. I knew how badly he felt about this exam. I couldn't get my mind off of what the girls and I were talking about during the summer camp, before we got attacked. It was too complicated. I just wanted to focus on other things, but that thought of Suguro and I kept coming back to me. 

"I need to change my ways. Rin suddenly said, snapping me out of my private thoughts. "You're all so cool... Are you trying to pass too, Konekomaru?" Rin asked. "N-No. I don't think I'll make it on the first try." Konekomaru said. "I'm really wasting my life." Shima said. "No shit sherlock..." I said, thinking that he was going to study for the exam as well. "Okumura is right! The exam is once a year, in other words every year. On the other hand, the school festival for a first year only happens once!" Shima said. "Is it wrong to enjoy your youth?! No!" "You don't want to regret it when you're old, right, Okumura?" Shima asked my brother.

"Now is the only time we can still have fun freely!" Shima said. "Shi-Shima..." Konekomaru said. "Shima..." Rin started to say. "Exactly! For the first time, I agree with you. I misjudged you!" Rin smiled, shaking his hand. "Thank you, Okumura! But isn't it mean to say that you misjudged me?" Shima asked. "Right! I don't want regerts!" Rin exclaimed, then turned all sad and gloomy. 

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