Match 3: Narrow Victory

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Tokoyami was still coughing from that fungus exposure. "Sorry about that, Tokoyami. Wat a cough drop?" Komori asked him. "I have no need of your pity." Tokoyami told her. "Here, let me help with your coughing, then." I insisted, covering him in blue flames for a second, concentrating on burning only the spores, and nothing else.

" I insisted, covering him in blue flames for a second, concentrating on burning only the spores, and nothing else

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He was surprised by the sudden flames enveloping him, but nonetheless, the spores in his lungs were burnt away. He stopped his coughing. "I feel...much better..." He said with his widened eyes. "I burnt away the spores that were trapped inside your lungs so you won't have any trouble breathing." I informed him. "Thank you, Akia." He told me.

Meanwhile, the robots were taking the unconscious Yaoyorozu to Recovery Girl's office. "Fukidashi! Kendo! You probably already know this, but keep the damage to a minimum!" Vlad King spoke over the mic. "Yes, sir!" Kendo replied, looking at the camera. "Sorry!" She apologized.

We were given a break after that battle, mainly because we needed to change locations. "The second match was a complete victory for Class B, huh? Like at the school festival, Class B will win in the end!" Monoma bragged to Deku's team. "But there's no need to feel frustrated about it, Class A. It's just that the difference in our abilities have been made clear!" He laughed, sounding all evil. Thankfully, Kendo came in and knocked him out.

"Sorry about that." Kendo apologized to us, dragging the unconscious Monoma away.  "He never changes, huh?" I asked. "I don't know why he does it when he knows she's gonna hit him." Mina said, sweatdropping as Uraraka nervously chuckled. 

"It's obvious, but it's not just their Quirks--everyone's mental growth has also made their Quirks stronger." Deku said as he continuosly wrote in his journal. 'You're wrighting a lot." Uraraka commented. 'Didn't it run out already?' I asked myself, sweatdropping. "Deku, you;ve grown a lot, too." Uraraka then told him. "I hope so." Deku said. "Nowhere near as much as me, though." Mineta added. "I don't see it." Mina said, refering to his height. "I'm not talking about height!" Mineta retored.

"Speaking of growing, what was that Quirk that you used?" Deku asked me. "The one that helped Komori regain her conciousness and heal her minor injuries?" Deku clarified. "Oh, that?" I asked. "Well, I guess it's part of "that" power." I answered. "Oh! You mean that power that gives orange markings in your eyes and made you sprout wings on your back? That power?" Uraraka asked me. "Yes. It's part of that power. I can heal others of their injuries, and replenish their stamina as well as give them extra power." I explained.

"Whoah! Awesome!" Deku breathed out, writing every word that I said, down. "I'm here...quietly." All Might said, grabbing our attention. "All Might?" Deku asked. "Young Midoriya, a moment if you please. You can join in, too...Akia." All Might whispered. "O-Okay..." I said. "Oh, right." Deku said, standing up. I could only wonder why All Might woud also want to talk to me. For Deku, I understood. He told me he had a spontaneous activation of his One For All Quirk. 

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