Stopping Satan

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"That settles it." Shura said. 

"He's our brother. Shouldn't one of us be the bait?" Rin asked. "Remember what Yukio taught you two? How exorcists are all supposed to work together? Teamwork and trust are the most important things in battle. So no matter what happens, you two make damn sure you see your end of the plan through." Shura told us. "Got that?" We nodded at Shura's question.

We went back to where the gate to Gehenna was. Rin and I hid, and Shura made herself get noticed by Satan. "So the chick with the cans is back alone." Satan said. I couldn't believe what I was hearing. Yukio would never say that. "Shut up, you four-eyed chicken." Shiemi hit the broken gate again. "Huh?" Satan asked.

 "I know you're in there. You gonna sit back and let Satan control you? Come on, wake up." Shura shouted. Satan just laughed. "Call him all you want. This vessel is all that remains." Satan said. Shura took out her sword from her stomach. 

"Whatever you say, baby. One hot wake-up call coming right the eff up." Shura said, preparing to fight. Rin and I decided to go a bit closer to the gate. Just then, one of the statues moved. We hid as quickly as possible. There were blue flames left and right. She was holding her own against Satan, but still hadn't managed to hit him. "Okay, is that all you've got?" Satan asked.

Shura stood up. "No, I got this for you too." Shura said. Satan tried to light her on fire, but she kept running. "What a pain in the ass." I heard Satan mumble, walking away from the gate. "Trying to get the drop on me?" Satan asked. He knew? Shura unleashed her ultimate move, Snake Form, White Serpent Attack." The white snakes wrapped around Satan. But the snakes caught on fire and Shura was sent flying back. Rin and I wanted to help Shura.

"Shura!" Rin said. "Stop it!' We heard Shiemi and Midoriya yell. I thought Shiemi and Midoriya were with the others! Why were they here? "Shiemi. Midoriya." I said. "Please stop, I beg you. Yuki would never do something this cruel." Shiemi said. "And who are you two supposed to be? Two of his little friends?" Satan teased. "Yes. He's really precious to me. So please give him back!" Shiemi yelled.

"Don't make me laugh!" Satan sent blue flames towards the two of them. Shiemi's familiar got in front of them and sprouted a plant to block the flames from reaching them. Just then, Satan managed to break through the plant and knock Shiemi out of the way. "Don't hurt my friends!" Midoriya yelled, activating One for All, and jumped toward Satan to kick him, but Satan grabbed him by his neck, choking him.

Rin and I couldn't watch this anymore. We had to do something to get Yukio back. "God damn it, let him go!" Rin yelled. "Idiots. You're early." Shura said. "Aha, so there you two are." Satan said, dropping the unconscious Midoriya to the ground. "And with everyone else out of the way, why don't we settle this right here and now." Satan said.

Rin and I threw our weapons aside. "We're not going to fight our brother." Rin and I said. "What?" Satan asked. "Nii-chan, I know you're in there. Come on, wake up." I shouted. "You really think you're going to save your older brother?" Satan laughed. Then with a blink of an eye Satan was right in front of us, and knocked us back. 

"Wake up, Yukio. It's me--" I said. "You're wasting your time. Your brother belongs to me now" Satan said, kicking Rin, and Punching him. "Stop calling him. He can't hear you anymore." Satan said. "Please, Yukio... We know you can hear us. Yukio!" Rin and I yelled on the last part.

"Yukio." Rin called again. We walked over to Yukio, trying to wake him up. "You two don't know when to give up." Satan said, lighting Rin and I on fire. "Come on, open your eyes! Yukio!" Rin yelled again. The fire surrounding Rin and I started to die down. I looked up to see Yukio extending his hand out. "Help me, Rin. Akia." I heard Yukio's normal voice. This was the real Yukio!

Daughter of Satan in Multiple Worlds Part 1Where stories live. Discover now