Hero Names and Internships

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After the two days were up, we headed back to class.

For a very justifiable reason, Iida acted differently. I could tell in his eyes that he was mad at someone. I knew that it was the 'Hero Killer', Stain. On the news, I heard that he injured Iida's older brother, Ingenium very badly.

Iida acted as if everything was fine, but I could clearly tell from his aura that he wanted revenge. I saw some low level demons flying around him, feeding off of the negative emotion that he had.

Mr. Aizawa came to class without bandages. Todoroki got the most offers, I got the second most offers, Bakugo got the third most offers, Tokoyami, then Iida, then Kaminari, then Yaoyorozu, then Kirishima, then Uraraka, then Sero. "That's amazing. You must be proud." I said.

"These offers are probably because of my father." Todoroki answered. Deku got none, which surprised me. Despite the results, we were to all intern with pro heroes, even the ones who didn't get any offers.

I looked down at my paper to see which agency wanted me. That was when I noticed the name, Endeavor...Todoroki's dad...The same man who burned my arm, and told me that I was better off to die.

"That son of a..." I started glaring at my paper. My tail lit on fire. "What's wrong?" I heard Todoroki said. "O-Oh! It's nothing!" I said, but Todoroki grabbed the paper from his hands, looking at the hero's name, Endeavor... 

"Why would he..." Todoroki started. "I honestly do not want to find out." I said, groaning.

"Does my dad....you know...know that you're a..." Todoroki hesitated. "That I'm a demon? Very likely!" I said. "H-How... It was him, wasn't it? He burned your arm, and probably told you that you were better off dead, wasn't it?" Todoroki asked. Anger immediately filled his eyes.

 gulped and didn't answer. "That...bastard! I'll..." Todoroki started. "No! This is my fight. I'll settle it with your dad. In fact..." I started.

'That's right. I'm going to join Endeavor's hero agency, to prove to him that I am nothing like Satan.' I thought to myself.

"No... You are not going to... I won't let him hurt you again" Todoroki said, defensively. "Too late.... I made up my mind and there's nothing you can do to change that." I said. "Fine... But that means I am coming too. If he lays another finger on you, I swear I'll..." 

"You'll kill him?" I asked. Todoroki nodded.

A few minutes later, we were going to choose hero names. Midnight then appeared. I already had a name in mind.

Minutes later, we were all going to share our hero names. Mr. Aizawa was sleeping in his sleeping bag. Ayoyama went first: The Shining Hero: I can not stop twinkling.

Midnight started fixing it. It was now that I couldn't stop twinkling. 

Tsu chose the name Froppy, 

Kirishima chose Red Riot, 

Jiro chose Earphone Jack, 

 Shoji chose Tentacole, 

Sero chose Cellophane, 

Ojiro chose Tailman, 

Sato chose Sugarman, 

Mina chose Pinky, 

Kaminari chose Chargebolt, 

Hagakure chose Invisible Girl, 

Yayorozu chose Creati, 

Todoroki chose Shoto, his first name, 

Tokoyami chose Tsukuyomi, 

Mineta chose Grape Juice, 

Koda chose Anima, 

Uraraka chose Uravity.

I saw Iida starting to tremble. I could tell that something had happened even though I didn't know what it was.

Iida chose Tenya, which was his first name,

Midoriya chose Deku,

Kacchan chose Lord Explosion Murder.

I started to laugh. Kacchan was about to kill me right then and there, and now it was my turn.

I decided that my hero name would be... Demon Hero: Night Light, because I was litterally one when I drew out my dagger.

 Midnight approved, and liked my hero name.

Our internships would last for one week, and we got to choose who we were interning with.

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