Eri Visiting and Ghost Mayhem

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The rest of us were on the dance team. "Everyone, we'll be busy starting tomorrow!" Iida. said. "Yeah!" We all said. That means that I had to take care of the ghost problem quickly, to have enough time to practice the dance. But there was one problem...we were going to practice during the afternoon.

Oh dear. "Midoriya, that's wrong! Put more muscle into it! The "lock" in locking is spelled L-O-C-K! So do it like you're turning a lock..." Mina told Midoriya. Mina did a quick demonstration. "...and stop it with a snap!" Mina said. It was our turn to do Mina's moves.

As we were practicing, I noticed Togata. Why was he hiding in the bushes? "Oh, Togata!" Midoriya said, also noticing him. Soon the other students turned to look at him. Just then, Togata brought Eri out of the bushes. She looked so cute with that bright new outfit. It matched the color of her eyes.

"Eri!" Midoriya, Tsu, Uraraka, and I said. "Here's a peach!" Togata said. We ran over to her. Mr. Aizawa was also there. "Eri!" I said. "Deku." Uraraka said. "What? Who's this? Your daughter, Togata?" Ojiro asked. "What lovely clothes." Tsu said. "S-S-So cute!" Uraraka and I said.

"Midoriya, Akia, the principal has given permission. In order to keep her from being surprised and panicking, we wanted to let her visit once to get used to it." Mr. Aizawa said. Togata was out of the bushes by then. "Eri... I see, you're from the work study! I'm Iida! Nice to meet you!" Iida said.

"I'm Mineta! I can't wait to see how you look in ten years." Mineta said. Even though I badly wanted to hit Mineta, I couldn't. Not in front of Eri. She was nervous and hid behind Togata. "She's kind of shy, right? Shy, huh? So, I wanted to take Eri around U.A. Midoriya, Akia, do you want to come, too?" Togata asked us.

"Huh? Yes!" Midoriya said. "Of course!" I replied. "Hey, dance team! We wanted to talk about---" Kirishima opened the door to the U.A. dorm, then noticed Eri. "Oh, it's Eri!" Kirishima said, running over to her. "Hey there! Wait, you don't know who I am, huh?" Kirishima asked her. "Then, why don't we take a break?" Mina asked. "Let's have teatime!" Mina suggested.

We were giving Eri a tour of U.A. Eri held on to Mirio's jacket. "Today's a weekend, but since everyone's in the dorms, a lot of students are still preparing for the festival." Togata said. Just then, we ran into a third year business student carrying boxes. "Oh, it's Togata!" He said. They then noticed Eri and thought that she was Mirio's secret love child. Mirio just closed his eyes and smiled. "Putting all jokes aside, this year's Class I will be amazing, so make sure you come!" One of the third years handed Mirio a flyer. "You, too." The third year told us as well, giving us a flyer. "I'll definitely go!" Mirio said. "This is a really nice flyer..." Midoriya said. We took Eri outside. 

There was work going on everywhere. "Even though there's still a month, everyone's really busy!" Midoriya said. "Everyone's trying to do something cooler than last year... They're trying to make it "Plus Ultra!"" As Mirio said. That, a dragon head prop came out of nowhere, which scared me, Midoriya, and surprised Eri as well. "Oh, sorry!" I heard Tetsutetsu say, holding the prop. "Hey, you're Midoriya and Okumura from Class A!" Tetsutetsu said.

"What's this, what's this? For you two to be idling around in a place like this... You don't have any work to do?" Monoma asked us. "Eri, are you okay?" I asked, looking at her. She seemed to be staring at the dragon head. "I thought it was the person that fell from the sky..." Eri told me. "Fell from the sky...?" I asked. I didn't remember anything, except for the fact that I ended up getting impaled instead of Midoriya. "Oh, you must mean Ryukyu." Midoriya said. "Oh, are you two ignoring me? You sure that's okay?" Monoma asked us. "I heard Class A is doing a concert or something. You okay with that?" I soon saw Monoma put his arm around me.

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