Father Trouble and the beginning of a New Friendship

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Mr. Aizawa told me to stay at his house still, because I had no place to go. He was recovering in the hospital and gave me his house keys. I started to walk down the flights of stairs when I heard a familiar monotone voice call my name.

I turn around to face Todoroki. I could tell that he wanted to know everything that was happening and how I knew that floating guy in the chair.

"Meet me tomorrow at the park." Todoroki said before walking away. Because of the incident, we were given a day off to recover. As I got home, I changed into some regular clothes that I bought from the store early in the morning.

Thankfully, the currencies hadn't changed and I was able to pay for some new clothes, with the money I had before I fell out of a portal.

I soon went to sleep, thinking about how I should explain things to Todoroki. The next day, I woke up and got changed. I exited the house, and headed towards the park. Soon I saw Todoroki leaning on one of the trees.

His half colored hair blowing against the wind. He looked up at me with the same expression he had for two days.

"I see you came, Akia. I wanted to talk to you about what happened yesterday with that floating guy." He told me with that monotone voice of his.

We sat down on a nearby bench. "That guy was Mephisto. Sadly, I knew him before I came to this school." I sighed. "You mean...before you fell out of that portal?" He asked.

"Yeah, you could say that." I said.

"Is he like your father or something?" He then asked me.

I felt my blood rage at that question.

"No! He's not my father in any way!" I yelled at him. Blue fire shot out of me.

I could see his shocked expression, and I quickly calmed down. "S-Sorry...I didn't mean to... It's just... my father... he died a few months ago saving Rin and I." I said.

"Oh, I'm sorry about your loss..." Todoroki said, with a hint of sadness.

"It was my biological father's fault." I clenched my fist. "Your biological father's fault?" Todoroki asked.

"Yeah. He killed our dad. The guy that raised us for fifteen years." I said.

"Why would he do that?"

"Because. He's the very definition of evil. He only wants me and my brother Rin because of our power. I hate him, and I swear I want to kill him next time I see him." I said with venom in my voice, looking down at the ground.

"I see..." Todoroki said with a hesitant voice, then continued, "You and your brothers hate your biological dad as well." I looked up at him.

"You hate your father as well?" I asked, feeling sad for him.

He responded with a "Yes." 

We sat in silence again. He was hurting as much as I was.

So I decided to help him with his problems. Maybe he could make me smile more again.

"Alright then, I guess it's settled." I said.

"Settled?" He asked with a confused tone.

"Let's be friends, Todoroki. I said, standing up, reaching my hand towards him. I could tell in his eyes that he wasn't sure yet.

"It's fine if you don't answer today. Just remember this. If you ever want to talk about your problems, I'll be right here waiting." I said.

"S-Sure." He said. His voice was still uneasy.

"Anyways, it's getting late. I should get going." Todoroki said, with his usual monotone voice.

"Yeah, I should too." I said.

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