Bakugo's Change!

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As we came back to where our class was, the fourth match was about to start. Bakugo's team was up against Tokage, Awase, Kamakiri, and Bondo. I heard that Tokage was the other student in Class B who got in through recommendations.

"We'll start when you get into position! Fourth match, start!" Vlad King announced.

With Sero setting up tapes to trap Class B and Jiro using her hearing to locate them, along with Sato's power and Bakugo's explosions... Their team was completely balanced. "Currently, Class A has two wins, one loss, while Class B has one win and two losses Will Class B win this to even it out? And also, Class A's win was mostly thanks to Shinso and Akia!" Can you reall call that a victory?" Vlad King asked. "That's a mean way to put it, Mr. Vlad!" Kirishima and Kaminari retorted in unison.

Akia! Glad to see you're all right!" Deku told me. "Yeah..." I started to say. "I never thought you could manipulate your size like that and grow two horns. How did you do that?" Deku asked me, holding his notebook to write some more stuff down. I started sweatdropping, getting all nervous. "I uh...actually don't remember how I did that clearly. I was just remembering stuff sorry." I apologized. "I you also have the ability to alter your size and and become more stronger while doing that. Not only that, but your regeneration speed increased and you restored your severed arm completely!"Deku mumbled.

"You seveed your arm?" Todoroki asked me. Oh, right...he was...uncounscious when that happened. "Y-Yes, but I completely restored it, see?" I asked him, moving my left hand. There was a moment of silence, but then Todoroki looked down at his had. "I was right...I am the Hand Crusher..." He said, sounding very serious. "Ehhh?!" I asked, sweatdropping "No,'re not--" I started to say, but got interrupted my Mineta. "To be honest, I wished you could stay in that sexy form, Akia with those bre--" Before he could finish, I knocked him out coldly. 

"That was harsh!" Deku gasped. "I had a headache" I merely said. "Don't worry, I'll heal him before your match starts." I added to reassure Deku.

As we looked back on the screen, we saw that Bakugo, Jiro, Sero, and Sato had encountered Tokage. She was already split into fifty pieces and moving around. She was sending her pieces in to attack Bakugo as he used explosions to propel himself away toward his team. Sero fired tape everywhere so Tokage's pieces would get stuck, but Bondo released glue all over Sero's tape, backfiring their plan. 

Kamakiri then jumped down from the pipes, producing blades from his foreams, cutting the pipes and making them fall on Sero, Jiro, and Sato. If they touched them, they wouldn't be able to get out of them. Sato was preparing himself to protect Jiro and Sero, but just then, Bakugo fired an explosion, knocking the incoming pipe away from them. Kamakiri used one of the pipes to jump down and take Jiro out, but the unexected happened. Bakugo came and in front of Jiro, kicking her away from the attack, or to put it more simply...he saved her. 

'Saving his teamates to win.' I thought as he used an explosion to throw back Kamakiri.

I couldn't believe what I was seeing. Bakugo had really changed... It wierd.

"What quick teamwork! They captured two of my dear students in an instant!" Vlad King announced in disbelief. "It's because he trusts Jiro and the others that he can leave it to them!" Uraraka said.

"Oh my... Oh my..." Vlad King started in disbellief. "It didn't even take five minutes... With unexpected teamwork, Class A wins with a perfect 4-0!" He announced. Mr. Aizawa was impressed by them greatly.

Deku and I went to congragulate him. "Kacchan!" Deku called. "Move, scums!" Bakugo instantly yelled, but there was only one problem... "We're not in your way, though..." I sweatdropped. Bakugo then let out a sigh. "I'm moving forward." He said, starting to wald again. "Yeah, it was amazing!" Deku said. "I'm moving so fast you won't be able to catch up." Bakugo told him. "I'll go faster." Deku then said. 

"Shut up! Is that what you came here to say?! I won't let you beat me. Stupid scum trash!" Bakugo yelled. "Just watch!" Midoriya whispered, smiling. "Honestly, Deku... You have a good childhood friend. If only he spoke more politely..." I sighed, watching him yell indefinitely.

It was time for the final match of the day, Deku, Uraraka, Mina, and Mineta up against Monoma, Shinso, Yanagi, Shoda, and Kodai. I could only wonder if Deku had a plan against Shinso's brainwashing.

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