The Impure King

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"Please, folks, this area is dangerous. For your safety, I need you to stay back." We heard the officer say. Yukio came in front of the crowd. "We'll be taking it from here." Yukio said, showing his exorcism license.

"Okumura, right this way." The officer let him pass, as we watched him go towards the other exorcists. "I'm an Intermediate Exorcist. First Class. Yukio Okumura." Yukio said. "Senior Ex, First Class, Kirigakure." Shura said.

"Who are those?" The exorcist asked. Rin snickered. "Huh?" Yukio asked. "Me. Her, and three of our friends. Yukio turned to face us with a shocked expression. Yukio did tell the four of us to stick with Shura, and so we did just that. "What are you doing here, guys?" Yukio asked.

"You told us specifically to stay with Shura, and so, here we are. With Shura." I said. "I'm Rin Okumura, this shortie right here is Akia Okumura, and the heterochromic guy is Shoto Todoroki, the guy with the glasses is Tenya Iida, and the broccoli hair guy is Izuku Midoriya. Akia and I are exorcists, ExWire, Ex-cetera. Here to kick demon ass." Rin said.

Yup, he definitely forgot that I still had a healing broken leg. "Aren't you two the...? Is it OK they're here?" The exorcist asked. "Orders from the Law Enforcement Division. Besides, they ain't gonna leave my sight. Got them on a tight leash, especially Rin here, so you can bet your ass they're gonna behave themselves. I snickered, looking at Rin who was being held from the collar of his shirt.

Todoroki, Iida, and Midoriya stayed silent, and nodded their heads. Yukio turned back towards the exorcist. "Can either of you tell us what happened here?" Yukio asked. 'Y-yes, I can." The same exorcist said, grunting in pain, holding his right cheek with a napkin. One of the exorcists told him to take it easy because of his injuries.

"I'm Saburota Todo. My rank is Senior Exorcist, Second Class, and the Deep Keep's warden. My job is to keep watch over the Left Eye of the Impure King. The academy had it sealed away in the Keep, but it was stolen." Saburota explained. 'The Impure King? Who's that?" I heard Todoroki finally ask.

"Left eye? Like a real eye?!" Midoria asked in shock. "How the hell did that happen?" Shura asked. "Hang on. I thought the Deep Keep was supposed to be protected by one of the strongest magic barriers at the academy." Yukio said. 

"Wait, magic exists in this world?!" Iida asked. "Of course it does! How do you expect us to fight powerful, evil demons? With prayer?" I asked.

"It is, but somehow the thief got in and stole the eye anyway. He wore a gas mask so I couldn't tell who it was. The Keep's elite guard and I chased him to the alley. We thought we had him cornered. He used a boy as a shield and then... He ran into that building with the hostage, but we haven't seen him come out yet. The miasma he released from the flask is incredibly potent. So far, 31 people, including civilians, have been infected, and we don't have enough doctors to help them all. That boy was exposed to the full force of the miasma, and if he's not already dead, he will be soon. If the thief gets away with the Left Eye, it's over. This is the biggest failure in True Cross's history!" Saburota said. I could tell that he was devastated.

"Dude, come on. You know about the Left Eye thing or...?" Rin tried to ask Yukio. "There's no time to panic. We'll do everything we can to get it back." Yukio said, ignoring Rin's question. "I don't suppose you know about this Impure King, don't you?" Iida asked me. I simply shrugged my shoulders. "How tough is this guy with the gas mask?" Shura asked.

 "I have no idea, to be honest. He never fought back, he just ran. We don't even know if he's human or a demon." Saburota said. "I feel like something is off here." I whispered to Shura. "Hmm." She only said. "We have to act, and fast. Between Shura and I, we'll figure out a way to - -" "Excuse me." Yukio got cut off by a woman's voice.

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