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The next week had passed. I learned that Mina was deciding on firing Midoriya off the dance team because the effects team wanted them. "Midoriya..." Mina said, wearing a suit, and sunglasses, having a still expression. I couldn't bear to watch what was about to happen. "You're..." Mina put a hand on his shoulder. "...fired from the dance team!" Mina informed him finally." Midoriya had a shocked expression.

"You're fired from the dance team! I said fired, but strictly speaking...the effects team scouted you! They said they need more people!" Mina said. "Why me...? I already told Eri that I'd be dancing..." Midoriya said, still with a shocked expression. "They want to make it so Aoyama can reach the whole room..." Mina explained. "What does it mean for Aoyama to reach the whole room...?" Midoriya asked. 

"...but we don't have large-scale equipment like that, so they said they wanted a power-type person to move him by hand." Mina explained. "During the beginning of the performance, I'm going to transform from a dancer into a disco ball. It's the perfect job for me. I'd like your help." Aoyama told Midoriya. "Which means, I'll just have a smaller part..." Midoriya said. "Sorry! It'll waste all that practice you put in, but can you do it? We want to make it even better...!" Kirishima pleaded. 

"If I can still dance, I won't have been lying to Eri. If it's to make this into something good... All right!" Midoriya said. Kirishima hugged him. "Thank you, you're such a man!" Kirishima cheered. "Merci!" Aoyama said. With that, we still continued to have dance practice.

I told Yukio and Rin that I was going to be busy for a few days, because of U.A.'s festival. I of course told them that it was for the students in U.A. and no outside visitors were allowed. Like always, Shima wanted to come, only to hit on the girls at U.A. I told him that was not going to happen, ever, but I will send pics to our group chat, showing the festival and showing them Eri for the first time.

Tomorrow was finally the school festival. "The gym's closing soon! Let's do a final check and one last run-through!" Kirishima said. Mina clapped her hands. "Here we go!" She said. "Tap, tap, two! Tap, tap, two!" Mina said, we were following the rhythm."Up!" Mina said, posing. "Then, Aoyama, center. Midoriya, run offstage." Mina told them. "Oui." "Roger!" Aoyama and Midoriya said.

"Midoriya! Your movements are still too half-hearted. Focus your attention on the moves!" "Roger!" Midoriya said. "And then Midoriya, go straight to the ceiling from the wings and set Aoyama up, pulling him up with the rope." Midoriya did just that. "That's it, that looks good!" Just then, the door opened, revealing Hound Dog. 

"It's already! Nine o'clock! Students should only be here till nine!" Hound Dog told us. "Shoot, let's go home." Kirishima said. And with this, after we go to sleep and wake up again, the school festival will start at 9 a.m.

It was 11:35 p.m. We still hadn't slept. "Woo, I can't sleep!" Kaminari yelled. "I'm at max excitement!" Mineta yelled. "Quiet down! Some people are sleeping!" I whispered to them. "I wonder if everyone will get excited with us..." Iida said. "It's better to not think about stuff like that." Jiro said, bringing her hand to her chest. "Getting embarrassed or nervous is the worst. Once you get on stage, all that's left is to have fun!" Jiro said. 

"You were super embarrassed, though!" Kirishima said. "That was different." Jiro said. "What Jiro said works for a lot of things, huh?" Midoriya asked. "Oui." Aoyama said. "When you think of others, it ends up helping you, too." Aoyama said. "I see." Midoriya picked up the rope and was shocked. "What's the matter?" I asked, walking next to him. "The rope's frayed." Midoriya said. "Wow! We did abuse it quite a bit during practice. It's proof of our friendship!" Aoyama said. 

"Yeah... Wait, no, it's dangerous. Sorry I didn't realize..." Midoriya said. "Why don't you ask Yaoyorozu to make one?" Kaminari asked. "Yao-momo's already sleeping!" Mina said. "Yeah, don't treat her like a handy tool!" I said. "But people use me as a charger." Kaminari said. "This is what it means to look down on men." Mineta said. 

"It'll go buy new rope first thing tomorrow morning. I'm the one who didn't realize it was frayed. I've got morning practice anyway," Midoriya said. "Wat, but the performance starts at ten tomorrow. Most stores don't open until nine, right?" I asked. "There's a hardware store about 15 minutes from U.A. That place opens at 8 a.m." Midoriya explained.

"That's cutting it pretty close." Kaminari said. "Now, I really should be getting to sleep." Mina said. "Yes." Iida said. "Well, then, we'll probably do this again tomorrow, but-- Night owls! We're a little early, but... let's definitely make this a success!" Kirishima cheered. "Yeah!" we all cheered. 

I brushed my teeth, changed into my pajamas, and fell on my bed. I could not wait to make Eri happy tomorrow. I drifted off into sleep. "Wake up..." I heard a voice say to me. I opened my eyes to see that I was in a field of flowers. It was so magical. "Wow!" I said, looking around. I then saw a familiar girl. She was wearing the same white dress, having the same forest green eyes, long and curly blonde hair, and she was barefooted. 

"Who are you?" I asked curiously. "As calculated, you forgot me yet again, Akia." The girl that I have never met before, said to me. "W-What?! How do you know my--" "Name? That's easy! We've met before. Two times. During the Impure King incident, and the recent Overhaul incident. This time, it's in your dream. But next time, it will be for real." The girl told me. 

"Yeah, but..." "If you're asking, my name is Mavis. Mavis Vermillion." Mavis told me. "Okay, Mavis, why did you bring me here?" I asked her. "I'm here, because I need to tell you that something evil is coming. I have not figured out what it is though, but you need to master this spell." Mavis told me.

"Hold up...a spell? Like magic? But... I don't know how to use magic." I told Mavis. "Yes you do. You just don't remember using it." Mavis told me. "Alright..." I said, skeptically. "What spell do I need to learn?" I asked her.

"You need to learn this ancient spell. It's a very powerful spell that is forbidden. Do you know why?" Mavis asked me. "Why?" I asked her. "Because the caster can decide on who lives and who dies in the world." When Mavis told me that, my eyes widened. Me? Judge on who lives and who dies? "No! I... can't... I can't kill..." I said, in a shaking voice. 

"I know you can't kill. But the time will come when you have to use that spell to save your friends. Of course, you must master the spell in order to use it. However, if you use that spell before you are ready, then there will be dire consequences." Mavis told me. "Like...what?" I asked. "I cast that spell too, way before I mastered it. It took a huge toll on my body and I stopped aging and...stopped loving..." Mavis told me in a low tone. I was shocked, but I didn't understand what she meant by that.

"I became immortal. Cursed to walk the land. The more value I put on life, the more people died around me... I starved myself. I tried many ways to die, but I just kept coming back." Mavis told me. "No...way..." I said. That poor girl... She used that spell incompletely and now she was cursed to live? If that was the case then... 

Why was she teaching me this spell if it had a huge risk? "You must learn this spell for safety measures. This spell will be your trump card. Use it for when it's needed the most. When there are no options left." Mavis told me. "You will learn the spell in your dreams, to let it stay in your subconscious. Now, wake up." Mavis told me.

I opened my eyes for real this time. Midoriya was already out to buy rope from the supply store. I quickly got changed and went behind the stage.

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