Saving Izumo and The Unforseen Accident

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"Use us..." We asked. "Make up your mind already! There's no choice but to fight! If you hesitate... We might die!" Yukio told us. Just then, the ground opened below our feet, and we fell.

"The hell is this?!" I heard Ryuji yell. I felt myself getting separated from the others, sliding down a tube. I soon felt myself land on the hard ground, hitting my head. 

"Ow..." I whined, rubbing my head. This place was too dark, besides my flames, which I was covered in.

"Is anyone here?!" I called out. Just then I heard the darkness. It sounded disfigured. Was no one else with me? Was I alone? No... wait.... I wasn't alone here. There was something with me in this room, but it was too dark to see.

Just then, the lights turned on in the room. I closed my eyes for a second because of the brightness in the room. Indeed, I was the one in the room at the moment, but then, I noticed a cage in front of me. The cage bars started to rise. 

Whatever was in there gave me the shivers. What I saw next scared me to my core.

Out of the darkness came out this... thing.. It was so disfigured. It had many arms, and mouths coming out of its body. Why couldn't I stop shaking? It was like a zombie, but at the same time, it was like a chimera. 

It was very big. It wouldn't let me take a break. It would just keep attacking me. I was dodging its attacks. It managed to grab my tail forcefully, and throw me against the wall. Damn it! I can't die like this! 

'Someone! Please help me!' I thought. "Akia!" I heard Mavis say. "Mavis?! Where are you?!" I asked, looking around. I soon saw her floating down next to me.

"Help... I can't--" I started to say. "Yes you can. You can kill this thing with a spell that I haven't taught you yet." Mavis told me. "What?! There's a spell that can kill them?!" I asked. 

"Yes... It's called Fairy Glitter. 

"What does it do?" I asked her. I managed to burn the zombie chimera holding me against the wall, which made it let me go.

I dodged one of its other arms. 

"This is a spell that rivals Fairy Law. It's a radiance of merciless light that rejects the presence of any foes. It is also an exceedingly intricate complex and unfathomably intricate spell that collects and concentrates light of the sun, the moon and the stars. I could transfer it temporarily to you until you can learn to master it on your own." Mavis told me. 

I dodged another attack. "There's no time now!" Mavis told me. "Right!" I said, dodging another attack.

Mavis floated behind me, touching my temples. I felt pure energy surging through me. Once Mavis was done, I saw red markings on my right arm. 

Dodged again, this time jumping in the air, extending my right arm to the zombie chimera, chanting the spell in my mind. 

"Fairy Glitter!" I yelled, and this beam of golden light hit the zombie chimera.

The thing roared in pain. I felt so drained... I collapsed on the ground unable to move. "Akia!" I heard Mavis call my name. "D-Did it work?" I asked her weakly. "Yes." Mavis nodded. 

"Now, stay here and rest up, while I go check on the others.

A few minutes later, I heard large explosions. I was leaning against the wall. I still had very little "ethernano" in me, even though Mavis transferred some of hers to me so I could cast the spell. 

I then saw blue flames. It must be Rin fighting. I soon saw an open way to the top. I willed my wings to fly up and meet up with the others.

"Everyone... You're safe. That's most important!" Yukio said. "Teacher!" Konekomaru said. "Yuki!" Shiemi said. "You're late!" Yukio yelled at Rin. "Ehh?! What's up with you? Just as we reunite!" Rin said. 

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