Tokoyami's Dark Shadow

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"No!" I cried even louder. I felt a new energy getting released from inside of me. It I never felt this way. I was glaring at Muscular in front of me.

"What the---? What was that just now? And was that also water?" Muscular asked. I soon noticed that Kota used his water Quirk.

"Stop. Let him go!" Kota cried. "Ko...ta?" I heard Midoriya weakly say. "Hold on, there, 'kay? I'll kill you after I'm done with---Hold up...what happened to your right eye?" Muscular asked. "Who are you asking?" I asked, confused. "You, dammit! Your right eye is orange and has a marking." Muscular told me.

What was he talking about? I don't have a marking on my right eye. He had to be bluffing. I looked down at a puddle of water and I saw my reflection in the water. I had my regular black hair, my regular clothes, my left eye was the same color, but then...I noticed my right eye...

I noticed my right eye

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Holy mother of hell. He was right! My right eye was different! How was this even possible? Why did this happen? Before I could think about it some more, I saw my right eye changing back to its original color.

This felt...completely weird. Just then...I saw Midoriya punch Muscular off of him. Did I...just zone out of the fight? It wasn't like me at all. 

"Why did you guys risk your lives? Even guys don't know me at all. Why did you guys try to save me?" Kota cried. Deku smiled, looking at him.

"Because. Isn't it a hero's job to save people and risk their lives even though no one asked them to?" he asked. I soon saw Midoriya waver a bit, panting. 'Hey." Kota said, We ran over to him. "Everything's okay. Gimme a second, and then there's something I have to take care of." Midoriya said.

"But you're all beat up! What more could you have to do now?" Kota asked.

"I knew he'd be strong. That's why I had to try to defeat him here. I thought I'd be able to inflict a lot more damage in the end, though. Turns out, I seriously underestimated how powerful his Quirk was. If every villain attacking us tonight is on the same level, all our lives are at stake. On top of that, it sounds like they're after some of us students. I have to let Mr. Aizawa and the Pussycats know that's one of the reasons they're here. I may be injured, but I'm not defeated yet, there are more people I can save. We'll leave this villain here for the time being. With my arms messed up, my smash was probably weaker than it could have been, but I still think it's taken him down for a while. He won't wake up anytime soon. And even if he did, he'd be too weak to fight. For right now, I just need to make sure you guys are safe. We're gonna need some help only if you can give us. The forest has been set on fire. That means my friends could be trapped by the flames. But we have hope. Your water Quirk can put those fires out. Kota? You hear me? We need you." Midoriya said. 

I stayed silent.

"Now, get on my back. We need to get you to camp, fast." Midoriya said. "Are you sure you can carry me? You're all busted up." Kota said. "No need to worry." Midoriya said, before I stopped his rambling.

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