Getting to know Todoroki

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The thoughts of my classmates and brothers back home kept coming into my mind. What was this feeling that I had? I tried my best not to establish any connection I had with them, but it seemed like I still cared for them. That night, I silently cried myself to sleep, hoping to see my brothers and classmates again.

The next day, I woke up early, and went to school with Mr. Aizawa. There were many news reporters outside the school, asking questions to the nervous students about All Might. He really was famous wasn't he? "Poor guy' I thought to myself. We headed straight to class. Today, they were going to pick the students who would become class rep and the second class rep.

Midoriya and Yaoyorozu got the most votes in our class. Iida seemed distraught, even though voting was his idea in the first place. Thank God it wasn't me. Midoriya seemed nervous about being class rep.

Soon, lunch came. I sat alone on the table. I didn't want to interact with anyone. My tail went up as I felt a cold presence coming this way. "Mind if I sit here?" a monotone voice asked. It was Todoroki. I sighed and nodded. "I've noticed that you don't talk a lot with people. Why is that?" He started.

"It's because I don't want to get close to them." I simply stated. "Were you always like that? No offence, but I don't see you as the type that isn't sociable." Todoroki said. I hesitated "It's a long story..." I said. Suddenly the school alarm sounded.

Students started to panic because they thought there were villains in the school. The hallways got crowded, and because of my small size, I got swept away with the crowd.

It wasn't until someone grabbed my hand and pulled me inside one of the empty classrooms. I turn around to see who it was that got me out of that crowd. I soon met a pair of heterochromic eyes.

Todoroki's face was so close to mine. He backed away, giving me my space. "Thanks back there." I said. "No problem." He said with his monotone voice. As we waited for the ruckus to die down, Todoroki opened his mouth to say something.

"Do you have any siblings?" He asked me. "Yeah, two. We're triplets. I'm the youngest one, Yukio is the middle child and Rin is the oldest, but whenever people see my brothers, they think that Yukio's the oldest because of his personality and looks."

"How about you? Do you have any siblings?" I asked. "Yeah. I had three siblings, but the oldest one died when I was a child. I'm also the youngest in my family." Todoroki explained to me. He was about to ask me something else, but then we heard Iida's voice and the panic died down.

Todoroki headed back to class. I could tell that he wanted to ask me more questions about me and my past. Of course, I couldn't bring myself to answer them all truthfully.

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