Pool Day

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"So, now will you tell me what's going on?" Rin asked. And so, I told him everything. At the end, I couldn't hold back my tears any longer, and started to cry. "Shhh... It's okay..." Rin told me. "We won't let him get you. You have my word." He told me, rubbing my back.

Rin and Yukio decided to stay in my room that night, and Kuro slept on my lap, which helped me fall into a peaceful sleep.

Then the next day, I got a text from Mina asking me if I wanted to come to the school pool with them and hang out because they got permission. I asked Yukio and Rin of course and they didn't see why I couldn't go and they accepted. 

I needed to get that incident over my mind.

We were hanging around the pool when the guys soon started coming. "Hey, Todoroki! Iida!" I said. "Good morning, Akia." Iida said. "Hey." Todoroki simply greeted me.

"What brings you guys here?" I asked. "Midoriya texted us asking if we would like to come and train at the pool, saying that it was Kaminari and Mineta's idea." Iida explained.

"I find it hard to believe that Kaminari and Mineta would suggest that." I said. We laughed, knowing that Kaminari and Mineta probably heard our conversation about going to the pool to hang out because we couldn't go anywhere for summer vacation.

I then saw Kaminari and Mineta upset because we were in our school uniforms, stretching near the pool. I saw Iida walking towards them. "Kaminari. Mineta. Nice work. I'm proud of you for suggesting more training. You're an asset to our class. Let me thank you." I could hear Kaminari and Mineta whimper in fear.

I covered my mouth, trying not to laugh at them. "Now. Don't just sit there. It's time to come sweat with us." Iida carried them back to where the guys were. "This wasn't the plan!" Mineta and Kaminari shouted in unison.

We were playing beach volleyball in the school pool. "Get ready for it! Serve!" Uraraka said. "Mine!" Mina said. "Ribbit." Tsu said. "Got it!" Hagakure said. "I'm on it!" I said. We were passing the ball around to each other. This really helped relieve my stress.

"Set!" Yaoyorozu said. I looked over to see that Kaminari and Mineta were dying. I then saw Bakugo and Kirishima come. They were late and Bakugo looked angry. "So, Deku, Shrimp." He said. What did he want from me now?

"You two wanna settle who's the best between us right now? Huh?" Bakugo asked, making mini explosions. "No. That's not it." Midoriya said, nervously. "Actually, you know what? We could make this training a contest." Iida said. They were going to do a race.

Of course, since Bakugo challenged me, I couldn't say no. I couldn't run away from a challenge. "I'm gonna annihilate you, Deku, Shrimp. And you too, Icy Hot. You bastard!" Bakugo said.

The first group was Mineta, Tokoyami, Koda, Bakugo, and Kaminari against each other. The race started. Bakugo used his explosions to propel himself in the air, getting himself in first place. He never even touched the water! 

"How's that, you sidekicks?" Bakugo asked, proudly. "What do you think you're doing? You didn't even touch the water!" I yelled at him. "It's called freestyle swimming!" Bakugo shouted. That idiot got on my nerves too much!

Next group was Sero, Ayoyama, Todoroki, Sato, and Kirishima. The race started. Todoroki used his ice to skate himself into first place. "You're supposed to be swimming!" Kaminari and Mineta both yelled. The last group was Iida, Deku, Ojiro, and Shoji.

The race started. Although it was a close call, Midoriya managed to win. Soon, it was me up against Bakugo, Todoroki, and Midoriya. I drew out my dagger to enhance my speed, and I willed my blue flames to form wings on my back.

The race started.

And we all jumped in the air.

Within a few seconds, I was already at the end of the pool.

I looked behind me to find that Bakugo, Midoriya, and Todoroki were in the water. How odd was that?

The other students were shocked at me. Mr. Aizawa must have forgotten that my power was sealed away in the Koma dagger, and forgot to stop my power through the dagger.

His mistake. "My bad. I didn't see you, Akia." Mr. Aizawa said. I sighed in relief. Unfortunately we didn't get to see who the winners were.

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