Situation at True Cross

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The first day of mine and Midoriya's work study ended. I kept thinking about the girl, Eri. What was Chisaki doing to her? Thinking about it made me sick to my stomach. I've never felt worse in my entire life. On top of that, Yukio was acting strangely. 

 "Oh, and by the way, who's Eri?" Shura asked me. How did she hear about Eri? "Hm?" I asked her. "You were mumbling the name, Eri, during sword training." Shura told me. "Oh! Uh...she was a girl that I met while on patrol with Midoriya and a third year named Mirio Togata. That's all." I explained.

"Rin. You have to be more like your younger siblings. You have to earn money." Shura said. "Is this really the time to be telling me this?" Rin asked, sweat dropping. We laughed for a moment, but it was nice to catch up with Shura outside of Cram School.

Kirishima was all over the news. He had saved people from a person that had a blade Quirk, and a Quirk enhancer drug. He wasn't the only one. Tsu and Uraraka had stopped two villains from destroying a city. Iida as usual, told us that our academics were important as well. The memory of that little girl, Eri bothers me more.

On top of that, Yukio also acted strangely. Rin and I were worried for them. Just in case, I decided to call Rin and see what was happening. Just then, I received a notification on my phone. It was for all Exwire students at True Cross Academy. We had a mandatory meeting about something. That of course, pulled me out of school. What was going on in my world?

 I told the teachers at UA about this sudden turn of events. "This is very concerning. Alright. I'll give you a few days off to spend time with your family. Notify your work study as well." Principal Nezu told me. "Right." I said, and I headed towards Nighteye's agency. "Is there something the matter, Akia?" Nighteye asked me.

 "Sir, I-I think something strange is going on with my family right now I don't know what it is, but...they're calling me, saying that it's urgent. I don't know how urgent it is though..." I admitted to him. "Thank you for letting me know, Akia." Nighteye placed a hand on my shoulder and looked at me. 

I couldn't see if he was viewing into my future. "Yes. You must indeed go. I could tell that this matter is in fact, truly urgent. You are excused for the next four days." Nighteye told me.

"Thank you, Nighteye." I said. "No need to thank me. I am actually paying my old friend a favor." Nighteye said. "What?" I asked. "I should have told you this before, but I am actually a friend of Shiro Fujimoto." Nighteye told me. "What?!" My eyes widened when he said that. "You and Shiro were friends? H-How did you--"

"It was not too long ago, but one day, I met this exorcist by the name of Shiro Fujimoto. He was so carefree. In fact, he was the one who told me that this world needs laughter and fun once in a while." Nighteye explained. 

"Some days, I would come and visit him, and of course, you and your brothers. In fact, I am surprised that you do not remember me at all. You always hung around me and would give me drawings that you drew." Nighteye told me.

I didn't know what to say... Come to think of it, a man similar to him came to the monastery some times. "This situation you're about to face is really important. Please be safe." Nighteye told me. 

"I will." I said, using a port key there to get into the Cram School. The mood there had completely changed. Suguro told me that a new pope had been re electected, Mephisto got arrested, they were shutting the academy down for the time being, the Vatican's higher-ups were all kicked out. This didn't seem right at all.

To top it all off, Rin told me that in just one day, Yukio had been appointed to being Paladin, and the Director of the Knights of the True Cross branch. What was going on?! Where was this going to take place. It was called Operation Jacob's Ladder, and Yukio also asked for mine and Rin's help on this. 

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