Dorms and a competition!

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 I was pressured. True Cross Academy and UA were starting in five weeks. I wanted to go to both schools, but I couldn't. I had to decide. Yukio made it worse. "Come on, Akia. You have to decide on whether or not you're staying at True Cross Academy." Yukio reminded me.

"I know that." I told him. It's like my brain was in panic mode, trying to find the best situation. Soon, There was a knock on the front door of our dorm room. It was... Mr. Aizawa and...All Might...

Why were they here for, and since when did they have access to the port keys? "Hi Mr. Aizawa. Hi Mr. All Might, sir." I greeted them. "Good! Looks like our guests have arrived." I heard Mphisto say, right behind me. I jumped back. And yelped. "Mephisto?!" I asked in shock.

After things got kind of settled, we made our way to the kitchen. "We're here to discuss if Akia is allowed to move into the UA dorms." Mr. Aizawa said. Oh, right. I did hear about it from Midoriya. I wanted to, but I wasn't sure if my big brothers wanted to.

I mean... I did put myself in danger more than once when I was there. Knowing Rin and Yukio, they were protective of me. Especially Yukio. They were also there with me and Mephisto was acting like my guardian.

"About that..." Yukio started. I knew his answer was going to be no. Straight up, I didn't even prepare to convince him otherwise. "We've decided..." He paused. "That we'll allow it..." He said. "I knew you were going to deny...Wait? What?!" I asked in shock. I was completely baffled.

Did Yukio just agree for me to stay at a dorm that wasn't where he was? I wanted to say something, but there were no words coming out of my mouth. "Ever since Akia has been going to U.A., we see that it makes her happy. And our sister's happiness is all that matters. So if my sister is happy at UA, then that is where she will be going." Yukio said. "Alright. Good to know." Mr. Aizawa said.

"You guys..." I sniffed. 'Thank you, Onii-chan! Nii-chan!" I cried, pulling them into a hug. "Oh! And of course, you'll also be taking online classes here as well, and after your regular classes are done, you'll be studying in the Cram school." Mephisto told me.

"Wait, I'm going to take online classes here as well, and go to the cram school?!" I asked in shock. "You think you can keep up?" Yukio asked me. "Yeah. You did say that you love challenges." Rin said. That was true as well. I did love to push myself.

So, it was decided. I was going to attend UA High while taking online courses at True Cross Academy and attend Cram School for exorcists.

A few days later, we were going to move into the dorms. Rin and Yukio helped me pack my bags and prepare. This was our new home. Everyone was excited. Mr. Aizawa greeted us. "Given everything that has happened, I'm glad we were able to bring Class A back together." Mr. Aizawa said.

"So, we all got the go ahead to move on-campus." Sero said. Hagakure sighed. "It took a lot of convincing for my parents." Hagakure said. "I was pretty concerned about mine." Jiro said. "It makes sense. You got the worst of the gas attack." Ojiro said.

"We're glad to see the teachers got to come back, too. I was afraid you wouldn't be allowed. The people at the press conference seemed pretty upset with you guys." Tsu said. 'Yeah." Uraraka said.

"I was surprised, as well. But circumstances have changed. Now, then. I'll explain how your dorm assignments will work shortly. First, however... We haven't forgotten about the provisional hero licenses you were supposed to get during the training camp." Mr. Aizawa said. "Oh, yeah! That's what we were there for." Sato said.

"So much has happened, it totally slipped my mind." Mina said. "This is important. Listen well. Kirishima. Yaoyorozu. Akia. Todoroki. Midoriya. Iida. You six are the ones who broke the rules and went to rescue Bakugou that night." Aizawa glared at us, then closed his eyes. "Based on your reactions, I assume the rest of you were at least aware of their plan. I'm going to set aside a number of issues and just say this. If it weren't for All Might's retirement from the Hero scene, I would expel everyone here except Bakugo, Jiro, and Hagakure. The six of you who went, of course. But also the remaining 12 who didn't stop them. You betrayed our trust. Even if it was to keep your friends from getting into trouble. In order to regain our confidence, you'll need to obey every rule to the letter, and live as model students."

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