Saving Eri

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I felt more distracted than usual. My mind kept playing that memory of Eri and her begging me not to leave her. Why? Why did I have to remember that? The memory was eating away at my soul. On top of that, I couldn't tell anyone. Not even my friends at the Cram School. Not even my own brothers.

I couldn't live like that. I started at the grimoire, feeling sick to my stomach. I tried my best to keep myself from breaking down during class. "Akia...Akia...AKIA!" Someone's voice snapped me back into reality. It was the teacher. "Y-Yes?" I asked.

"Would you like to recite the passage for me?" The teacher asked me. I got the grimoire. Maybe...if I read could help ease my mind. Even though I started reading, I couldn't get my mind off of Eri. It was like a cursed, record always replaying the scene. Eri was holding onto me, not letting me go.

"Please. Please don't go." Eri would say before the scene played over and over inside my head. I couldn't read. My mind was too distracted, focusing on the memory of that one girl. I felt my heart beating faster and faster. I felt that I was going to have a panic attack at any moment. My mind. Snapping. Like a twig.

"H...Hey Akia? You alright?" Rin placed his hand on my shoulder, concerned for me. "No. Everything is not alright! I couldn't save a little girl. She was holding onto me and begging me not to leave her, but I couldn't. I felt useless! Now I find out that this villain group is using her blood and cells to destroy people's Quirk genes! How am I alright at all, knowing that it's my fault that I didn't save her then and there? How?!" At least...that was what I would say if my work study wasn't kept a secret.

In fact, I would yell it out to the entire world. Instead, I felt extremely sick. "N-No...I...I don't...feel too well..." I weakly said. Resing my head on my arms, while my stomach turned. "Um, Ma'am! Akia says that she doesn't feel too well." Rin told the teacher. I could hear the concern in his voice.

"Oh, dear! Please take her to the nurse's office then, Rin" The teacher told Onii-chan. Rin wasted no time in picking me up and carrying me to the nurse's office. During which, I think I passed out due to fatigue. I lost my appetite when I heard that a little child's body is getting used out there to break other people's Quirk.

Third POV:

Akia was acting strangely during the past few days. The color had drained from her face. Even her bright blue eyes were now dulled with gray. She looked extremely tired and fatigued. Of course, this didn't go unnoticed by our Cram School classmates.

"What's up with Akia? She's been acting all weird?" Surguro asked Rin. "I...I don't know." Rin replied. 'What happened during the Work Study meeting, Aki?' Rin could only ask in his mind, but there was no response from her. "I think she spaced out again." Kamiki noticed. "Akia" The teacher said, but there was no answer. "Akia..." The teacher said again, but still, there was no answer. "AKIA!" The teacher raised her voice a bit and Akia snapped back into reality.

"Y-Yes?" Akia stuttered. Everyone gasped. She never stuttered when reciting a passage from the grimoire. "Oh, my God... She's definitely not all right." Shima whispered to Ryuji. "Now I'm definitely worried." Suguro mumbled. Shiemi saw this too. She was worried for Akia.

'What had her work study done to her?' Shiemi could only think. "Would you like to recite the passage for me?" The teacher asked her. Akia got the grimoire, and started reading. But soon she paused. Rin could see it clearly that she was about to have a panic attack. Breathing heavily. He could only place his hand on her shoulder. "H...Hey Akia? You alright?" he could only ask.

There was a bit of a pause. "N-No...I...I don't...feel too well..." Akia weakly said, resting her head on her arms. "Is there something the matter, Rin? What happened to Akia?" The teacher asked. "Um, Ma'am! Akia says that she doesn't feel too well." Rin said, with concern in his voice. "Oh, dear! Please take her to the nurse's office then, Rin" The teacher told him. "Yes, Ma'am!" Rin wasted no time, picking up Akia and placing her on his back. On their way to the nurse's office, Akia passed out. 

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