Tokoyami's New Move and Healing Magic

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"Talk about what you learned or would have done differently." Mr. Aizawa told them as Kirishima took off his helmet, looking down. "If I'm not trying to brawl with my opponent, it's hard for my Quirk to be useful. If this were the real thing, I would've been killed when Shiozaki caught me." Kirishima said. "I need to be able to give more detailed intructions to the bugs." Koda said. "I did great, right? Didn't I make you love me? Go ahead and love me!" Kaminari said, air-kissing and winking. 

'God, he looks so funny...' I thought, trying to hold back my laugh. "It's fine, love isn't something you can control! Go ahead, it's fine!" Kaminari said happily, jumping up and down, waving his hands. "Koda and Kirishima...losing thos two. I wish we could've won withought losing anyone. We were all over the place." Tsu said, looking down. "The binding cloth." Shinso said, looking down at it. "I couldn't even use a tenth of what I'd learned. It was frustrating." Shinso sadly said.

"If you could do it right away, then you wouldn't have to work hard. It took me six years to master that. Don't forget that frustration when you move on." Mr. Aizawa told him. "Yes, sir." He said. "The two who went on work studies have serious reflections." Aoyama noticed. "Isn't that what you'd expect? The Shie... Hassaikai, was it? I heard it was a pretty intense fight. If you experience fighting like that. even if it's just training, your frame of mind, or like, motivation would be different." Sero said.

"Compared to that...Jamming -yay's chaotic actions felt out of place..." Jiro said, trying to hold back her laughter as well. "Listen. Kirishima, you should focus on setting up your opponent for a head-on fight." Mr. Aizawa informed him. "Yes, sir!" He replied. "Koda, it's exactly what you think. You should icrease the accuracy with which you control the animals. zdon't fight from the front. Think about your enemy's weakness." Mr. Aizawa told Koda as he only nodded in response. "Kaminari! You weren't fighting seriously at the beginning! Are you unable to use your true strength unless your teammates get beaten?" Mr. Aizawa asked Kaminari as his smile turning into a sad look. "Yay..." He said.

"Asui. Think about how to cover for a mistake quickly rather than about your mistakes." Mr. Aizawa told her. "Ribbit." She nodded. "Use what you learned today in your training from now on. That's all." Mr. Aizawa told them, walking away. "Yes, sir!" They replied before the came to our class. I saw a look of pain in Shinso's eyes. He was aware of his own inexperience, but he sought to improve from that.

"It's great! Shinso's freshness!" Midnight squeeked, hugging herself. "You know what..." All Might started to say. 

Meanwhile, I looked over to see Vlad King. Let's just say, that his eyebrow was twitching. "The reason you lost... You already know, right?  Using Shishida as the focal point... Or using Shiozaki... If you only come together as a team, you could've won this match!" Mr. Vlad King scolded them. I could see the shivers run down their backs.

"Shiozaki cannot deceive others. That consideration backfired, didn't it? Shishida." Monoma asked him. "Monoma..." Shishida started to say. "It resulted in us giving the opponents time to prepare... Sorry, Shiozaki." He apologized to her, sadly. "Burned by the flames of Hell..." She told him. The coincidence there...I had inherrited my flames from Gehenna, or Hell in other words.

"Well, anyway, you shows me something good. I'm looking forward to fighting with him." Monoma said, looking at Shinso, calling to him. "Let's come up with a plan to make Class A cry! Something that'll shut them up!" Monoma told him in a poudly manner. 

"Hey, Kendo,  do you mind if we steal Akia away from you?" Iida asked her. "Yeah. I don't mind." Kendo replied. "Hmm?" I asked. "Akia. You should talk to your other team." Kendo told me, catching me off guard. "A-Are you sure?" I asked her hesitantly. "Yeah." she nodded. "That's good!" Iida replied. "Alright then." I nodded. There was this new ability that I wanted to try out as well. "Let's decide what plan we'll use, too." Iida said, getting, Todoroki, Shoji, and Ojiro as well.

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