Birthday Party for Everyone

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A few weeks had passed since UA and True Cross Academy started. I was for sure keeping up with all my classes. Today, at Cram School, Shima was trying something, and he wanted to know Shiemi's birthday. "You want to know my birthday?" Shiemi asked.

"Yep, if you don't mind. So when is it?" Shima asked, with determination in his eyes. "My birthday is on March 6." Shiemi replied, confused. Shima wrote it down in his notebook. "Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. What's your blood type?" Shima then asked. "B, I think." Shiemi said. "Uh-huh. Shiroku Mokusei. Yup. Pisces, Type B, five elements, wood. And I have Your results! You're a romantic who likes to follow the beat of her own drum. You got big, big goals, you're an optimist, and you love to daydream." Shima told her. 

"Huh?" Shiemi asked. "Oh!" Shima ran over to Izumo. "How about you, Izumo?" Shima asked. "My birthday's October 11, I'm type A." Izumo replied. "And I have your results! Izumo, you're an idealist, and you treat everyone fair and square. But even though you play nice with everyone, you're also super quick to criticize...anything or anyone who forces you to question your own beliefs." Shima said.

"Rad!" I heard Rin cheering. "What the hell was that about?" Izumo asked. "That's your astrological sign, your blood type and the four pillars of destiny. The fortune comes outta here" Shima said, pointing to his head.

But Shima...does not have a brain. "Your studies would benefit from those memorization skills." Izumo said. "That's what you say, but you gotta admit-- You're interested, aren't ya?" Shima asked. Izumo just huffed. "I'm outta here." Izumo said. "She is one cold woman." Shima said. Rin came up to Shima, excitedly. He seemed pretty interested in this.

"Do me. Tell my fortune next." Rin said. "Nope. Doesn't work for guys." Shima quickly replied. "How come?" Rin asked "I'm a specialist. Girl fortunes only." Shima said, with a smug look. "Fine, then, do Akia!" I heard Rin saying, and before I knew it, I was in front of Shima. " I have to?" I asked him, uneasily. Rin just nodded desperately. "Fine." I sighed.

"My birthday's December 27. I'm type O" I said. With that, Shima took notes down. "And I have your results! Even though you don't actually admit it, you are a bookworm, interested in mystery and adventure. You tend to dream a lot, and plan ahead of others." Shima told me. 

Man, he was accurate. "Um...okay..." I said. "Does that mean that I'm the same too?" Rin asked. "Guys don't inspire me." Shima promptly said. Ring grabbed Shima's shoulders and whined. 'Come on. My birthday is the same as Akia's, and my Blood type's A" Rin said. "I told you, it's not gonna happen." Shima said.

Just then, we heard Shiemi shriek. "Are you okay?" I said. "Ah, I just realized Kamiki's birthday is coming up." Shiemi said. She then gathered us to the board. We were going to have a party planning conference for Kamiki's birthday. "So, anyway, we're going to throw a surprise birthday party for Kamiki, and it'll be the best ever." Shiemi said.

"Of all the people, why do we have to celebrate her birthday?" Suguro asked. "Uh, Excuse me, Bon. We all voted for it, so no complaining." Shima said. "Okay" Shiemi said, facing the board. "I'm going to assign each of you a task." Shiemi said, bringing the chalk up to the board, but stopped. Was she...trembling? We were all confused. Shiemi turned to face us again.

"One thing before we start. What happens at parties again?" Shiemi suddenly asked. I was shocked. So was everyone else. "There's presents, then there's a cake." I said. "And there's always snacks and drinks too." Shima added. "And decorations and stuff." Konekomaru said. "Oh, that's right! A present. What can we get her that she'll be sure to like?" Shiemi asked.

"Meat's a good present." Rin said, listing all the different types of meat. "So pretty much all the stuff you want to eat?" Shima asked. "And oven-roasted turkey. Throw that on the table, and it's a party. Not that I've ever seen oven-roasted turkey before." Rin drooled. "Okumura, your menu's out of control." Konekomaru said. "Hey, I think a bouquet of flowers would be great." I started thinking.

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