Fighting and the Unexpected

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"The league betrayed them?" Mr. Aizawa asked. "Seems so. And they used us to aid in their scheming. Though at least we're on solid ground now." Nighteye replied. 'Eri. Hang in there. I'm sure Mirio found you already.' I thought to myself.

We continued to run. We left Locklock to watch over Mimic, who was tied up. Soon, we saw this knocked out guy with a plague mask on. Mirio must have been in here. We heard shouting coming from the left side of the wall. I recognised those voices. It was Chisaki and Lemilion! Midoriya immediately broke the wall that separated us from them.

 We saw Mirio. He looked in bad shape, facing Chisaki. But that didn't matter now. I leapt toward Chisaki. His pupils narrowed as he realised that I punched him back. 'I'll save Eri this time!' I could only think at that moment. I set him back on the ground. My fist lit up with my blue fire that raged from Gehenna. "Nighteye, quick! Secure those who've been injured." Mr. Aizawa said. 

Sir Nighteye went to Mirio. He was wounded. I had never seen him wounded before... don't tell me...he was shot by a perfected bullet! "Mirio!" Sir Nighteye said. "Get Eri out of here. She's behind me." Mirio lost his balance and fell in the hands of Nighteye. Eri was safe now. "Rest. I've got you now." Nighteye said.

 Chisaki tried using his Quirk, but Mr. Aizawa erased it. It was me, Midoriya and Mr. Aizawa facing Chisaki. "Lemillion already has him backed into a corner. It's up to us to finish this." Mr. Aizawa said. "Yes, sir!" Midoriya and I replied.

 "Time to get up, Chrono!" Chisaki yelled. Why would he yell at an unconscious person? Before I could process what happened, Midoriya and I were pushed back by Mr. Aizawa. "Watch out!" Mr. Aizawa told us. We soon saw a blade, cutting Mr. Aizawa. "Those pierced by the long hand will find their movements slowed. I meant to skewer three of you at once, but then, that's heroes for ya." Kurono said.

"It took him long enough to wake up. That schoolboy managed to take Chrono out. But I repaired his head and healed the damage while the kid was distracted!" Chisaki said. That got me angered. Midoriya and I leapt towards him. "I've got you!" Midoriya shouted. "I'm going to make you pay!" I shouted. He extended his hand out towards us. 

"Everything... All you've done...has been for nothing!" Chisaki pressed his hand on the ground. Massive spikes came out of the ground very fast. "AHH!" I cried, as I felt the spikes leave cuts on my body. Some were very deep. I didn't know how long it would take for them to heal.

 "As if I'd let my plans be ruined by people like you who are sick in the head. You get it, Nemoto. You want me to succeed. I won't allow all my hard work to end here. You've always been eager to help. So I know you'll happily give your life for my cause, won't you?" Chisaki asked. I saw him breaking apart another person's body, and he merged it with his own. He grew another set of arms from that. 

"How, heroes. I'll have you return Eri to me!" Chisaki said. I couldn't believe it. He destroyed himself and underling and then fused them together. "That was unpleasant but necessary, and I feel much better now." Chisaki said.

 I saw Nighteye protecting Eri and Togata. Midoriya was next to me. There was no sign of Mr. Aizawa, or the guy in the white hood. And then, Chisaki, who merged with the other guy, and seemed to have healed himself in the process. 

"Cleanliness is an obsession of mine. When someone contaminates me with their filth, I lose control. It's never gone quite this far before, though. What an unfortunate turn for you, Lemillion. You chose to get involved with Eri, with me. And now your Quirk is lost forever." Chisaki said. I couldn't believe it. Mirio lost his Quirk while protecting Eri! 'I swear, Mirio. Your sacrifice will not be in vain.' I thought to myself.

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