Off to save Rin and Akia

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"Eins, zwei und drei!" Mephisto chanted. A metal door appeared before us. "Das staarkste Gefaangnis. The most impenetrable prison." Mephisto said. The door grabbed Rin, dragging him inside the dimension.

"Rin!" I yelled, running towards his cell. I heard some chanting, but I didn't care to listen. All of a sudden, my vision became darker. Soon, I was surrounded in darkness.

Third POV:

"I can't believe they decided so fast." Shura said. "You think I'm lying? Please. I'm far too busy to play around like that." Mephisto said. "Yukio, you OK?" Shura asked. 

"Regardless of the boy's and girl's fate, destroying the Impure King is our top priority." Mephisto sneezed.

"Excuse me. Be a dear and hold this." Mephisto gave Shura, Rin's sword back. "Back up a second there. If you know about the Impure King, why don't you help?" Shura asked. "Surely you're joking." Mephisto said, snapping his fingers.

Beside him appeared a tissue box. "Unfortunately, I can't abide fungus-y things due to my allergies." Mephist grabbed a tissue. "My poor nose!" Mephisto said. "Oh, my God." Shura said.

 "If it's been revived, the Impure King will grow rapidly. As soon as it reaches maturity, Kyoto will become a city of death. Defeating the Impure King will most likely take a great deal of manpower. And I'd like to do my part. Please accept this equipment as my gift." Mephisto poofed up a bunch of cloaks.

They're nothing fancy, but I think you'll find them very helpful." Mephisto winked at Shura. "Huh?" Shura asked. "And now I must depart. Best of luck, kiddies." Mephisto poofed away. "Hey, wait!" Shura said, but it was too late. Mephisto had left.

"Man, what a bastard." Shura cursed. "Let's just focus on doing what we can." Yukio said, placing the unconscious Akia gently on the floor, fixing his glasses. "What, for Rin and Akia?" Shura asked. "No, the Impure King. The Myoda is gonna need our help destroying it." Yukio said.

Back where Todoroki, Midoriya, Iida, Shima, Miwa, Suguro, Izumo, and Shiemi were, there was commotion and running. "I wonder what's going on with all the commotion out there." Renzo said.

"It sounds like something serious." Midoriya said. Bon started running when he heard the name Mamushi. "Bon!" Miwa called after him, and the rest of them were running after them. 

They ran to see that Mamushi was infected with the miasma. "As most of you already know, Saburota Todo and I stole the Right and Left Eyes. A little while ago, we used them to revive the Impure King." Mamushi claimed. "Revive?" Iida asked.

"Most of the exorcists started to believe that it was false. "Its body has been kept in a state of suspended animation beneath Kongo-Shinzan. Right now, it's on the loose and growing. Master Tatsuma's up there, too. He's taking that demon on all by himself. I beg you, please send help. He can't fight the Impure King on his own!" Mamushi begged.

Some priests wanted her to deal with it because it was her problem now. "This is not the time to be arguing!" Midoriya yelled. "I agree with Midoriya. Every exorcist, including security one and two and the team from the keep, will deploy to assist the Master. The Impure King is related to the King of Rot. So to counter the miasma, you'll need to get vaccinated." Mr. Shima ordered.

Everyone started getting ready. "Mamushi." Suguro said. "M-Master Ryuji!" Mamushi said. Her right eye was bleeding. "Your eye. I'll get the doc." Ryuji said. "I'm sorry. He's alone. The Master's alone! Save him!" Mamushi begged.

"Don't worry, Bon, I'll get her to the infirmary." Juzo said. "Then what? You going?" Ryuji asked. "Yeah, of course. I'll head up as soon as I got her settled. As for you and your pals, you'd better head back to the inn for now." Tenzo said.

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