Gehenna Gate and Satan

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"Come on, guys! Akia's our friend! Think about it! She helped us a lot during the beginning of the school year, even though she fell out of the sky. She stood up for us when we were in danger. It's time to pay her back, guys!" Kirishima said.

"Right!" The rest of the class said. "Todoroki, Bakugo, because you're in another world, things will be different so..." There was a pause. "You two are allowed to use your Quirks for this rescue operation." Mr. Aizawa said. "That's more like it!" Bakugo said. "Right." Todoroki said.

First POV:

 I woke up to the sound of sizzling. Was someone cooking food? "Aki! You're awake!" I heard Rin's voice, and I felt a hug. "Where are we, Rin?" I asked. "We are in the basement of Vatican Headquarters. It's a dungeon they call Cocytus." I heard Mephisto say from his cell.

"Mephisto?!" I asked in shock. "Co-what?" Rin asked. "This is probably the last place in the world...I'd ever think of seeing you two. Now would you mind terribly if I you two managed to get yourself locked up in here?" Mephisto asked us. With that, we told him everything.

"You don't say? Mr. Okumura is the new paladin? And they have him hunting demons too. An intriguing turn of events, no?" Mephisto asked. "Yeah, I guess, but why did they arrest you?" I asked.

"Eins, Zwei, Drei." Mephisto said, pulling out a drawing board out of his hat. It read, "Mephisto's Adventure." 'Don't tell me he's gonna...' started in my mind. 'Yep." Rin said. He was basically saying that in his early days, he was studying artificial life.

"Someone needs to take an art class when they get out of here." Rin said. He told us that he was arrested because of that, and that Noihaus was framed. Once he was done explaining, he changed into a dog and walked over to us. "Thank you for getting me up to speed with current events, my children. It has been fun, but I have to be shaving off now." Mephisto told us. 

"You're just gonna leave us here? Come on, take us with you." Rin said. "Oh, I'm afraid not. Do you not hear that bell signaling the rise of the curtain? The show is about to begin, you know. And one cannot afford to miss a single moment of it. Anyway, arrivederci." Mephisto said, and left. "Don't leave us!" I said. "You friggin' clown! Get your fuzzy ass back here." Rin yelled.

Just then, four exorcists and Arthur came into our cell. "Mephist's escaped, your Holiness." One of the exorcists said. "Lord Auguste." Who I assumed was the "Holiness", said. "Sir?" Arthur asked. "You and Bourguignon double the security. We're about to commence with the ceremony. I don't want any disruptions. Do you understand me?"

"Yes, Sir. Understood." Arthur nodded and left with another exorcist. The Holiness turned around to face us. He was wearing a mask to cover a scar on his face. Seriously? What was with people and masks?

"Well, hello there. That is remarkable. You two look even more like Yuri than your brother." He said. Who was Yuri? Who was this guy? "Who are you?" I asked coldly. "Pardon me. My name is Ernst Fredrik Egin. It's a pleasure to meet you, my grandchildren." He said. This shocked us. Our grandfather was alive?! Shiro never told us that we had a grandfather!

A few hours passed. They were going to execute Rin and I tonight, on the roof of True Cross Academy. I never really thought about actually dying. I wanted to live. In the end, I never really did tell my class where I was going. And if I didn't show any signs of coming back there, I'm sure they would get caught up on what happened. I thought about that little girl that Midoriya and Mirio and I met. 

I will never get a chance to save her now. Well, I hope Midoriya and Miro could save her for me. There were exorcists on either side of us, looking at us. I could see the hatred in their eyes. Our two crucifixes awaited us, as if we were Jesus, meant to be sacrificed to save humankind, but that was not the case here.

Daughter of Satan in Multiple Worlds Part 1Where stories live. Discover now