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Before Akia crashed into the ground, Shura had caught her. She was now, holding Akia in her arms. Aki looked extremely drained from chanting that spell that not even Shura, or the Vatican knew about. 

After that hectic day, the injured pro heroes were sent to the hospital, which included Nighteye, Kirishima, Fatgum, Tamaki, Mirio, and Rocklock. Eri was all feverish after what had happened.

Shura got permission to take Akia to True Cross Academy to treat her severe wounds there, where everyone waited for their arrival. When Shura came, they saw her carrying a severely wounded Akia.

"Akia!" Yukio and Rin cried out, rushing over to her in a state of panic. "What happened to her?!" Yukio asked Shura, worriedly. "I honestly don't know what happened. Shura admitted.

"The next thing I know was that she was dead, and the next thing I know, she came back alive, and..." Shura couldn't find the words to explain what she saw. "What happened next, Shura? Tell me." Yukio asked her eagerly.

"Those eyes appeared again." Shura could only say. "What's going on? What eyes?" Shima asked, but Shura, Yukio and Rin did not reply. Yukio carried Akia, followed by Rin to the school's hospital, where she would stay for the next three days, unconscious.

"I can't believe that idiot! She promised me that she was going to come back safe..." Suguro mumbled. "You're only worried about that?" Konekomaru asked.

During that time, Sir Nighteye died in the hospital. They could not depend on Eri's Quirk to rewind the damage that had been done to Sir Nighteye. Mirio was officially Quirkless, and Eri was feverish in the hospital, and was being quarantined.

Mr. Aizawa had to keep an eye on her just in case Eri lost control of her Quirk again. The students at UA were also visiting Akia at True Cross Academy's hospital, where Akia stayed. "Will she be all right?" Midoriya asked, looking at the unconscious Akia. "Yes. She will be alright but that new power that she used drained her energy completely, plus the heavy bleeding might mean that she's out for a few days." Yukio said.

"Can I ask you what happened during the fight? I want to know what kind of power that was." Yukio asked Midoriya. "Well, when I saw her, she had wings, but they were not made of fire. I think they were white feathers. Both of her eyes were orange with the marking on it, and while I was getting ready to punch Overhaul, Akia was saying something that caused stars and planets to appear in the sky, and they all hit Overhaul. After that, her eyes went back to normal, and her wings disappeared too as if it wasn't there." Midoriya explained.

Yukio was curious about Akia's condition. He never heard of anything like that. Shiro never told him about it. 'What is going on with you, little sister?' Yukio could only ask. Just then, Rin also came by. "She still hasn't woken up?" Rin asked. "Hm? No. Not yet. She's still recovering." Yukio said. "It's all my fault..." Yukio started. Rin was surprised by this. Why was this whole thing his little brother's fault? 

"Why are you saying that, Yukio? It's not your fault." Rin said. "Yes it is. If I had also agreed to come to that raid, then maybe..." Yukio started. "Yukio. Don't say that! You and I both know that if we were still there, it wouldn't have made a difference. Akia would still be stubborn, and try to save everyone, even if that means that...she..." Rin stopped his sentence.

He was mad at himself too. Like Yukio, he shared only one thing in his mind. He wanted to protect Akia, his little sister, and of course, his little brother, Yukio. He felt that it was his fault that Akia got injured badly. He hated seeing Akia in a weak state. Akia was like the peacemaker, between him and Yukio. She was also very smart, funny, and she made the best dishes.

Of course, Akia had taught him how to cook all those dishes. Yet, he never got to return her the favor for all that she did. There was silence in the hospital room again, with the only sound coming from the machine beeping, showing the two brothers that their sister was still alive, and fighting to stay alive.

First POV:

I woke up, feeling like hell. What had happened to me? I sat up, scanning the room to see Yukio and Rin sleeping on the chairs that were next to me. From what I could tell, it was morning. Suddenly, all the memories began to flood in.

The last thing I remembered going to save Midoriya from getting impaled, and instead, me getting impaled by that giant spike. I tried to remember anything else after that, but nothing seemed to have come back.

Then, I started to remember about Eri. How was she? Was she safe? Where was she now? What happened with Midoriya? Was Midoriya able to save her? All these thoughts were coming into my head. "...Akia...?" I hear Rin ask tiredly, as he rubbed his eyes open and yawned, looking at me clearly. His eyes soon widened looking at me. "Akia!" He said, joyfully running towards me and embracing me in a tight hug.

I hugged him back as well. "Akia?" Yukio then woke up because of Rin's crying. Was he crying tears of joy? Sadness, maybe? Or even both? I don't know. "How long was I out for?" I asked them. They paused, then looked at me, nervously.

They told me that I was out for three days. They told me what had happened with Sir Nighteye, Midoriya, Eri, Mirio, and the others. I was of course sad that Sir Nighteye didn't make it. "Do you...remember what you did?" Yukio asked me.

"I wasn't sure what he meant, but I told him that the last thing I remember was running to save Midoriya from getting impaled. "Oh, I see..." Yukio said. He had a concerned look on his face.

"What's wrong, Nii-chan?" I asked him. Before he could answer though, the door swung open, revealing Shiemi, Kamiki, Suguro, Shima, Miwa, and Konekomaru. "Akia! You're awake!" Shiemi exclaimed. Just then, I saw Suguro's face. He had an angry look on his face.

I was starting to get a little nervous. I think we both knew how this was going to end. Especially when I promised him that I would come back alive and safe and sound. "Why you..." He started, and before I knew it, I was in a headlock position, struggling to get out.

"You like giving us death scares all of a sudden?" I heard him asking me, still keeping me in the headlock position. "How is Akia supposed to answer us if she can't breathe?" I heard Kamiki asking Suguro. Suguro let go of me then. "You really had us worried..." He told me, sadly looking away, blushing. "Man, you must really like scaring us, Akia." Shima told me. I shot a glare at him, which he took as a sign as you're annoying, a perv, and I want you to be quiet.

"It's not like I want to die anytime soon! It's just that... I happen to be at the places where big events occur." I said. "We could clearly see that." Yukio said, raising his eyebrows, and fixing his glasses. "Sorry, Nii-chan..." I said, a little embarrassed.

I received a quick checkup done by Yukio, and it seemed that everything was fine. I recovered all of my energy from being out by three days and my wounds were completely healed. Soon, the month ended, and another month began.

Any traces of summer disappeared completely, and the differences in temperature grew larger in U.A. Those of us who were work study students went with All Might, Mr. Aizawa, and Shura to attend Nighteye's funeral. After discussions between the school and the hero agencies about the work studies, it was decided that we would wait and see what to do next.

Nighteye's sidekick, Centipeder took over Nighteye's agency, waiting for Togata's return. As for Eri, even though she finally regained consciousness, since she was still unstable emotionally and her Quirk could go out of control at any time, visitors weren't allowed to see her. But, the horn on Eri's forehead that released her rewinding Quirk shrank as her fever went down and is now about the size of a bump.

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