Coming to our Rescue

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There was a loud bang as the doors burst open, to reveal All Might. He was angry. I then felt myself suddenly getting picked up. I was now on the ground.

"Everybody, back to the entrance. And take Aizawa and Akia with you. They don't have much time." I heard All Might say. But my injuries were starting to barely heal already. They would heal up within eight hours or so.

"No...I-I'm fine...Mr. Aiza-wa is the one wh-o's g-gravely injured..." I said, catching my breath, slowly getting up, ignoring the pain.

"But your head.." Midoriya said, looking at my bleeding head. All Might started to fight Nomu.

Midoriya, Tsu, Mineta and I were heading back to our class. Tsu put my arm around her neck so I could lean onto her for the time being.

There was smoke everywhere because of the attack.

When the smoke cleared, I saw the portal guy underneath Nomu and All Might. Nomu was pulling All Might in, digging into his sides which caused him to bleed.

 We were all surprised by this. I saw Midoriya jumpin in to save All Might, but the portal guy came in front of him. "No!" I yelled, trying to take the sheath off the dagger.

This time it worked. Blue flames started surrounding me once again. I was angry. I wasn't going to let anyone get hurt anymore.

Suddenly, I started to black out again. I was losing control again over my power slightly.

I started attacking Nomu, slicing him, and burning him even more. "Akia!" I heard Todoroki yelling. I stopped to look at him.

He had a look of worry in his eyes. Or was this fear? I felt my flames die down again. I put the dagger back in its sheath.

The blue flames died down. He had seen my true power. He must think that I'm a monster...a demon...I felt my body falling to the ground.

I closed my eyes, preparing to hit the ground, but I felt arms wrap around my shoulder and legs. "T-Todoroki...." I breathed out.

He was surfing on his ice to get away from Nomu. "Don't break your promise, Akia." Todoroki said, carrying me in his arms, looking at Nomu. He then froze the ground, and Nomu's body.

"One of your poorly trained thugs told me you're here because you think you can kill All Might. Bakugo came and pinned the portal guy to the ground, holding his armor. Kirihima jumped in as well, attempting to hit the face guy, but he dodged.

"Nomu." The face villain said. Nomu started to move. It broke out of Todoroki's ice that was covering its body but lost it's right side. We were shocked when it regenerated.

"How is that thing still moving? He's all messed up." I heard Midoriya say. Todoroki's grip around my body tightened. I could tell that he was also afraid. "Stay back, everybody!" All Might said.

"Nomu has been modified to take you on even at 100% of your power. He's basically a highly efficient punching bag that hits back. First, we need to free our method of escape. Get him, Nomu." The face villain said.

Nomu went to hit Bakugo. Without thinking, I jumped out of Todoroki's arms and took out my dagger from its sheath and blocked Nomu's punch meant for Bakugo.

I was covered in my blue flames again. Man. I was really pushing myself today. I was sent back towards the wall. There was a shock wave and Todoroki and the others got blown away by the wind except for All Might.

I was on the ground again. "Such force." I heard Midoriya say. The smoke cleared away, revealing that Nomu had the warp villain. "Kacchan!" Midoriya gasped.

Daughter of Satan in Multiple Worlds Part 1Where stories live. Discover now