My Battle Against Todoroki

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When I saw who I was going to fight next, my heart stopped. I was going to fight Todoroki. "Great..." I mumbled. "Good game!" Iida told me. "Thanks!" I said.

 The next match, Tokoyami won against Mina. Next was Kirishima vs Bakugo. Kirishima was close to beating Bakugo, but lost and Bakugo won.

Midoriya congratulated me for winning against Iida. Poor boy. He had to go through surgery. "I'm not backing down just because he uses his left side now." I said. "Right." Midoriya said.Soon, the semifinals started.

"The first match of the semifinals! From the hero course, Akia Okumera! Versus... Her classmate, Shoto Todoroki!" Present Mic said through the speaker.

"Don't hold back now." I told him. "Same goes for you." Todoroki said. I nodded. "Start!" Present Mic yelled, and with that, the match began.

Todoroki immediately sent an ice barrage coming towards me. I jumped in the air, dodging it and releasing my dagger from its sheath, exposing my blue flames. I cut the ice with my dagger, running towards him on the ice.

 I could see him struggle, holding me back as I made my way closer to him. Once I was close enough, as if cutting through air, I swung my dagger, unleashing blue flames at him.

There was steam everywhere. "Wow! Things just go off to a fiery start coming from Akia! Can Todoroki handle her blue flames? Or will he succumb to it and lose?" Present Mic said.

The steam cleared, revealing Todoroki with no burn marks, but I could tell that he was pushed back. Ice was behind him to stop him from flying out.

"Fight me with all your strength." I said to him, dodging and cutting through his attacks, coming closer to him. "Stop being a chicken, and use your flames!" I yelled, kicking him in the face, causing him to fly back.

Todoroki got up. His eyes were glaring at me. 'Maybe I shouldn't have done that...' I thought as his flames erupted again from his left side. "You're going to regret that, Akia." He warned me. There was a bruise on his face now, but no burns anywhere. I didn't want to engulf him un my ungodly flames.

"I don't regret it one bit." I smirked. His flames were so hot. I was dodging still, but his flames were big and he still didn't know how to control them yet. I continued dodging and blocking with my fire. Our flames were clashing against each other as well as his ice.

"Wow! What an incredible fight these two are giving!" Present Mic said. I finally found a chance to get closer to him, and I took it. I jumped in the air, preparing to attack him with my dagger, but he quickly dodged and grabbed a hold of my sensitive tail again.

"S-Stop That!" I yelped. He started freezing me from my tail, making me drop my dagger. "I could see you're not giving it your all. Perhaps I should be the one to tell you to come at me with all your strength and use your full extent of your flames. Don't be a chicken." Was Todoroki... teasing me? 

'Oh, don't worry about me.' I thought to myself.

"Akia...Can you move?" Midnight asked me. I didn't reply. Instead, I released more blames, burning all the ice. It covered Todoroki as well. I could hear him gasp in shock.

 'Crap! I've overdone it!' I thought, panicking and making the blue flames quickly die down. "Wow! It seems like Akia has been the only one to break out of Todoroki's ice prison! Mr. Aizawa, your students are amazing!" Present Mic said.

It felt like this match was going to go on forever. I kept dodging or cutting Todoroki's ice, as well as blocking his fire with my own. It seemed as though none of us was going to give up.

We were both tired, panting, and sweating. I had a few scratches and burns on me, Some parts of my UA pe uniform was ripped. Todoroki was in the same condition, except that there were no burns on him. I didn't know why it was the case, if I had blue flames.

"Well, I guess this is the end for you, Akia." Todoroki said, sending a large ice barrage towards me I knew I couldn't dodge it, so I just didn't move. I knew how badly Todoroki wanted to win, as I sent a large fire attack towards him. There was steam everywhere. 

When it cleared, I saw that we were both still standing.

I felt my legs trembling, slowly giving away to the pain. I felt my body hitting the concrete, unable to move. "The winner is...Todoroki!" I heard Present Mic yell in excitement.

Everyone cheered for us. I felt my body being lifted off the ground. I closed my eyes, falling asleep in their arms, feeling the coldness and warmth of that person.

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