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Third Pov:

There was gas starting to surround him as he passed out. Midnight used her quirk. "Todoroki is out of bounds. That means... Bakugo is the winner!" Midnight said. The crowd cheered.

At that point, a lone tear came down from Akia's eye.

After that, Tokoyami, Akia, Todoroki and Bakugo were on the podium. Akia and Tokoyami came third, Todoroki was section and Bakugo was first.

Bakugo was chained up however, since he was acting all nuts. Todoroki glanced at Akia. She still had the same, emotionless expression.

It pained his heart to see her in that state, with her once turquoise eyes, now colorless, as if her life was drained out of her.

All Might came into the stadium to pass out the medals. He gave one to Tokoyami, then to Akia. "Young Akia. You fought hard, without backing down one bit. I am proud of you." All Might said.

"Thanks... All Might..." Akia mumbled, receiving a medal. Next it was Todoroki's turn.

"Young Todoroki. Congratulations!" All Might gave Todoroki his medal. "I'm assuming there's a reason you didn't use your left side. Though it cost you the final." All Might said.

"Midoriya and Akia opened my eyes during our match, but then I started to doubt myself. I think I now understand a little about why you're so interested in Midoriya. I want to be the kind of hero you are, but my path isn't as clear as I thought it was. I have a lot to think about. And I still need to settle things with two people. Very soon." Todoroki said.

All Might came in to hug him. That time, Todoroki looked at Akia. She visibly flinched, noticing him looking at her. Akia closed her eyes and a single tear fell from her eye. Todoroki saw this and gasped.

'She's not alright. Something must've happened while I slept.' He thought. Bakugo received his medal. He was still angry at Todoroki.

After the sports festival, they had two days off from school to recuperate. Class was dismissed. Akia got out of the classroom.

Todoroki wanted to know what was wrong, so he followed her to the school grounds on the field, where she sat on the soft grass her knees brought close to her chest, talking to herself.

"Shiro, why did you save Rin and I? What was the point? I never wanted this..." Todoroki heard her say. It hurt Todoroki even more.

He couldn't stand it. "Akia." Todoroki started. "T-Todoroki?" Akia's eyes widened, shocked that he was here.

"What's wrong? You've been acting like this after our match ended. Did I... Did I do something wrong?" Todoroki asked, looking at her sadly and concerned at his close friend.

Akia looked down at her hand, and clenched her fist. "Stay away from me. It's best if you just go!" Akia shot back as she held back her tears.

"What do you mean, why? I want to help you!" Todoroki said, worryingly. "I'm a monster. Maybe I'd be better off if I died. My blue flames kill people." Akia said, sadly. Todoroki's heart became dreadfully heavy. Why did she want to die all of a sudden?

"What are you saying? How could you say such a thing?" Todoroki asked. He really wanted to know. Akia smiled sadly.

"Trust me, you wouldn't understand. It's not something you need to, anyway. After all, I'm not from your world." Akia looked down. 

"Stop it! Don't say that! You can't just laugh and push me away! You helped me when I was hurting. Why shouldn't I do the same for you!" Todoroki yelled.

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