Figuring Things Out

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I felt myself drift into darkness. But then, I realized that I wasn't dead. I was still alive. My heart...was still beating inside my chest. I slowly open my eyes to adjust to the light. I felt my body being carried by someone, bridal style. I tilt my head slowly to look at who was carrying me. It was a guy. He was the same age as me. The hair on his left side was read, and the hair on his right side was white. His eyes were a different color as well. His left eye was a turquoise color, and his right eye was a gray color. He had a scar around his left eye. I blacked out again.

I woke up to find myself in a hospital room. I jumped out of my hospital bed, only to realize that it was a nurses office. "Oh, it seems like you're awake. I'm impressed by your Quirk. You were all beaten up for a second, and know there's no scratch on you!" The old, short lady said. "Where am I...? Where are my brothers?" I asked, placing a hand on my forehead trying to remember. "You don't know where we are?" The old lady asked me. I shook my head, no.

 "Why, you're at UA high. A popular school in Japan. I'm Recovery Girl, the school's nurse." Recovery Girl said to me. None of this made any sense whatsoever. "Do you know where True Cross Academy is?" I asked. "I've never heard of that school. Where is it?" Recover Girl asked me. "It's a school in Tokyo." I said, searching up the name of the school. For some reason, it said that it didn't exist. "No..." my voice shook. 

I took out the key that led me to my dorm there. It didn't work as well. I then noticed that something was obviously missing. "My dagger! Where is it?!" I asked. "Relax, your belongings are here Miss." Recover Girl told me. I sighed in relief, grabbing my dagger and placing it in my boot.

I sat back on the bed. "What happened? The last thing I remember was drifting off into darkness." I said. "Eraser Head and one of his students brought you here." Recover Girl said. Eraser Head? Who's name is that supposed to be? "Okay, I think I hit my head pretty hard and I lost my memory. Can you explain to me where I am and what Quirks are?" I asked. I obviously lied about losing my memory.

"We are in Musutafu, Japan right now, and Quirks are a special, superhuman ability that a person can have. There are different types of Quirks, like, explosion, nature quirk, gravity quirk, tail quirk, and the list goes on. There are some cases where people have more than on Quirk." Recovery Girl explained

That makes a lot of sense, but there was no town named Musutafu in the Japan where I lived. Could it be that I was in another world all together? "Thank you, Recover Girl. I think I'm starting to remember again thanks to your help." I lied again. "I forgot to ask. What's your name?" Recovery Girl asked me. "Oh, my name's Akia Okumura." I said, before leaving. I changed into my regular clothes again.

When I was about to walk out, I noticed a small animal. He was wearing a suit, and...on his front two legs...? What animal was he? "Hello. You must be the child that fell out of the sky, during the first day of school. Would you like to come with me?" The animal asked. " Uh... S-Sure..." I said, following the animal.

We arrived at his office. He was the principal of this school? "My name is Principal Nezu. I am the Principal of UA High." Nezu continued. "I would like to ask you what was the last thing you remember, before falling from a portal that opened for only a few seconds in the sky." Nezu said.

"Hm...The last thing I remember was my friends and I getting attacked by uh...a villain in the forest, and me pushing my brother out of the way to save him, resulting in me getting hit in the chest, and then drifting off into darkness." I lied.

Do demons even exist in this world? "Oh, I see. Well, you got transported to UA High. It was the first day of a new school year and you fell out of the sky with suits and bruises, and a hole in your side. It seems like a miracle that you survived honestly. Tell me. What is your Quirk?" Nezu asked me.

I saw his eyes, studying me. "Well, I have a tail, pointy ears, and this." I took out the dagger from my boot. "A dagger?" Nezu asked me. "Yeah. I fight with it mainly and I could also use pyrokinesis." I took the dagger from its sheath and my body was covered in blue flames. The blade of the dagger was also covered in blue flames.

"Impressive indeed." Nezu told me. I then had an idea. Can I enroll in this school for the time being? I don't have anywhere else to go." I told him. "Well, since it is the first day, I guess you could join class 1A and if you want, you could stay in the teacher's lounge." Nezu explained. "Thank you so much." I said. 

"I'll put you down as an exchange student from America. What's your name?" Nezu asked me. "My name is Akia Okumura." I said. "Oh, you also need a hero costume." Nezu said. "Oh, I uh...I don't really have a hero costume." I said, looking down at my partially ripped uniform.

"Don't worry, just sketch out a drawing, and we'll make it. In the meantime, here are your UA clothes and your schedule." Nezu gave me the uniform, and a P.E. clothes and my schedule. I looked at the time. It looked like there was hero training with...All Might...? Nezu then escorted me to the class. There were twenty new students looking at me.

 "Who is this new student?" The buff guy asked, who I assumed was All Might, my teacher. It felt so awkward being there, especially with people I didn't know. "This is an exchange student from America. Her name is Akia Okumura." Nezu told him.

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