In Pain

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Back to where I was now in the bathroom, I looked at myself in the mirror. "Dad... Why did you save us? We're... m-monsters..."

My eyes started to sting. I was crying on the bathroom floor, all alone. My blue flames were everywhere. I didn't even bother going to watch the other matches.

Third POV:

Todoroki was looking for Akia before his match against Bakugo started. He wanted to talk to her, and see how she was doing.

Before he could continue searching, Present Mic told them that the last match was about to begin. Just then, he heard Midoriya and Uraraka's voice. "Akia! Where are you?!" He heard Midoriya yell.

"Come on! The final match is about to start!" Urakaka yelled, hoping Akia would answer her back. "Hey, Midoriya. Is something wrong?" Todoroki came up to them.

"Yeah, Deku and I can't find Akia anywhere." Uraraka replied worriedly. 'Did something happen to her?' Todoroki's heart sank.

"Hey, didn't you take Akia to Recovery Girl?" Midoriya asked. "Yes, but when I woke up, she wasn't there." Todoroki told them.

"Recovery Girl told me she was heading back to the stadium to watch my match." Todoroki said. 

"Todoroki, don't worry about Akia. We'll go look for her. You just focus on your match. I'm sure Akia will want that." Uraraka said.

"'re probably right." Todoroki said, but deep down, he knew that something wasn't right. His heart ached just thinking about it.

"Welcome to the final battle of the UA High School Sports Festival! In just a moment here, we'll see which first years come out on top! Yes, it all comes down to this, folks! From the hero course, Shoto Todoroki. Versus his classmate, Katsuki Bakugo! Now begin!" Present Mic exclaimed.

Todoroki started off with his usual ice barrage, pushing Bakugo back. During the match, Akia came back. Todoroki saw this from the corner of his eye and was relieved.

But this feeling disappeared when he looked at her. Akia had no color in her eyes. Her face was pale. Her face showed no emotion at all.

"Akia! We were so worried for you!" Uraraka said, but Akia didn't say anything at all, not even nodd. Todoroki knew that something was wrong. 'Was it something that I did?' Todoroki thought to himself as he continued to send ice baragges towards Bakugo.

"Pay attention, Icy Hot!" Bakugo yelled at him, snapping him out of his thoughts.

"Todoroki starts with a crazy ice blast! Bakugo seems to have been completely buried! Is it possible we've already got a winner down there?" Present Mic asked through the speaker.

There were explosions coming behind the ice. Soon, the ice in front of Todoroki broke, revealing Bakugou. Todoroki jumped back.

"You've got some pretty powerful attacks. But you're a bad aim." Bakugo launched himself towards Todoroki. Todoroki brought out his right hand to freeze Bakugo, but Bakugo used an explosion and ended up on his left side in the air.

"Try harder!" Bakugo grabbed Todoroki's left side. "He dodged his right side with a blast!" Midoriya said. Akia just watched, as if she were a ghost.

"Are you underestimating me? Idiot!" Bakugo threw Todoroki, but he managed to use his ice to break his fall.

"Todoroki surfs an ice wave to avoid going out of bounds. Looks like fun." Present Mic said. Bakugo jumped at him and used a small explosion, but Todoroki grabbed his arm with his left side.

It looked like he was hesitant about using his fire, and threw Bakugo away from him. 'Now I definitely know that there's something wrong with Akia. She would yell at me to use my left side.' Todoroki thought.

"Stop screwing around. What, do you think I'm not worthy of your fire?" Bakugo asked. "Bakugo timed his explosions and grabbed Todoroki's left side on purpose. He's done his research. His aptitude for this becomes more apparent with every fight." Mr. Aizawa spoke out.

"Interesting." Present Mic said. "Todoroki's doing well so far, but his attacks are too simple. It almost seems like he lost his spark after the match with Akia." Mr. Aizawa said.

"You bastard! I'll tell you what'll happen if you make a fool outta me. I'll kill you! I don't want there to be any doubt that I'm the best student at the festival. That's only possible if you come at me as hard as you can! There's no point if you don't fight me with the same power you used against Deku and Akia. If you don't wanna win this, why are you even here? Show everyone you're trying to destroy me!" Bakugo ran towards Todoroki.

'I'm sorry, Bakugo. Since I fought Midoriya and Akia, I'm unsure of so much. Whether or not I did the right thing. What my left side means to me. And my friend is clearly hurting right now and I have to figure out why.' Todoroki said in his mind, lowering his left hand.

"C'mon, Todoroki Don't give up! Do your best!" Midoriya yelled. Todoroki was surprised by this. "That stupid nerd." Bakugo said. Flames started erupting out of Todoroki again.

Bakugo propelled himself towards Todoroki. Todoroki was about to use his fire, but he started to remember the childhood abuse that he went through and the sad look on Akia's face. 

He stopped using his fire and took the hit from Bakugo's large explosion.

Bakugo propelled himself towards Todoroki. Todoroki was about to use his fire, but he started to remember the childhood abuse that he went through. He stopped using his fire and took the hit from Bakugo's large explosion.

"Who-ho-ho-hoa! Bakugo combined speed and rotation with a huge blast like he used against Uraraka! He turned himself into a human missile! Todoroki didn't fire off the flame attack that wowed us in his match with Midoriya and Akia! So what has become of our top competitors?" Present Mic questioned.

The smoke cleared to reveal that Todoroki was out of bounds, unconscious. Bakugo grabbed Todoroki's shirt.

"You stop messing around! This isn't a real win for me unless you try harder! It can't end this way. Now get up!" Bakugo yelled at the unconscious Todoroki.

There was gas starting to surround him as he passed out. Midnight used her quirk. "Todoroki is out of bounds. That means... Bakugo is the winner!" Midnight said. The crowd cheered.

At that point, a lone tear came down from Akia's eye.

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