The Painful Truth...

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A few days went by and before you knew it, everything was fixed. My class was kind enough to also help me out in rebuilding Mephisto's school.

And with that, I continued my work study at Sir Nighteye's agency. I still couldn't stop thinking about Eri. Sir Nigheye told us that we were called in for a meeting at Sir Nighteye's agency. As Midoriya and I got out of the dorms, we saw Kirishima. "Uh--Midoriya! Akia! Good morning." Kirishima said. "Good morning!" I said. "Are you two headed off to your work study, too? Cool, so'm I!" Kirishima said.

"Yeah, we finally got called in again. Feels like it's been forever." Midoriya said. 'I wonder why they said not to wear our costumes, though." I said. Just then I hear the door behind us open. "Oh! Good morning, guys! You going in today?" Uraraka asked. "Yeah." Midoriya replied. "Huh, so are we. That's kinda weird." Midoriya said. 

"Hey. Us, too!" One of the pro heroes said. "Wanna walk to the station together?" "Ooh! Please! I mean, if you don't mind." Uraraka said. "We appreciate it!" I said. "What's with all the heroes?" I heard Kirishima whisper.

We were all going the exact same way. That was weird. After a few more turns, I realised that maybe it wasn't a coincidence. What if our agencies were teaming up for something big. Like a case they were all investigating. Soon we were about to find out, as we arrived at Sir Nighteye's agency. The Big Three were standing right in front of us. What in the world? What was going on? There were many pro heroes gathered at the agency, which included Mr. Aizawa as well. Whatever was happening must be crucial.

I walked over to Mr. Aizawa with Tsu and Uraraka. "You, too, Mr. Aizawa?" I asked. "I'm confused. Why are you here?" Tsu asked. "I was called in last minute for this thing. I think I've got a rough idea of what it's about." Mr. Aizawa said. Just then, I felt someone tap my shoulder. 

I turned around to see that it was none other than Shura?! What was she doing here? "I also got called for this too, kid. So you better behave during this case." Shura told me, pinching my ear. "Ok! Ok! Cut it out!" I said. Shura laughed. "We're all here, Nighteye. Let's get started." The dragoon hero, Ryukyu said.

"Thanks to the information provided by all of you, our investigation has progressed substantially. We've invited you all here for a joint conference to share the intel we've acquired. Regarding the yakuza group Shie Hassaikai and what we believe they might be planning." Nighteye said.

We all gathered at the conference hall where a long table awaited us. I sat next to Midoriya and Mirio, and Shura sat beside me. "All right, let's begin at the beginning. For the past couple of weeks now, those of us at Nighteye Agency have been conducting an investigation into Shie Hassaikai, a small but organized group of criminals." Bubble Girl said. "What prompted this?" One of the Pro Heroes asked.

"An accident involving a gang of thieves called the Reservoir Dogs." Bubble Girl said. "Yeah, I heard about that." Another hero said. "The police thought the whole thing was an accident, but there were a number of details that didn't add up, so we began tailing them" Bubble Girl said. 

"In my capacity as a Nighteye Agency sidekick, I began following leads to what I could uncover. I found that, in the past year, the members of Shie Hassaikai have increased contact with those outside of their organization, including other groups whose business dealings are less than reputable. Their aim seemed to be expanding their organization and enriching its coffers. Shortly after our investigation began, they made contact with a member of the League of Villains. Jin Bubaigawara, villain name: Twice. They were wary of being tailed, so I was unable to follow them, but with the help of the police, I confirmed that an altercation had occurred between the two groups." Centipeder said.

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