Secret Revealed

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We were up on the roof practicing on only lighting the candles. It was working for me, however, Rin was burning the roof. Todoroki put out his flames using his ice.

"Damnit!" Rin yelled. "Hey, dumb ass, burn the candles, not the roof." Shura told Rin. "Yeah, I know, Boobenstein!" Rin said.

"Language!" Iida yelled. "Well, kiddo, it looks like your younger sister is better than you. If you don't figure this out soon, every store in Kyoto's gonna run out of candles." Shura said.

"Rin! Just imagine the candle and the rope part, burning. Not the whole thing!" I said, trying to give him some advice. Easy for you to say. You were gone one week, but now you have control over your flames." Rin pouted 

"Correction, it was actually two months there." I said.

"Well, anyways, I'm two months behind you now. How does that help?" Rin asked. Because of Rin, we were up there all day. Rin was getting annoyed and decided to go cool off. He jumped off the roof and the two candles on the side lit up.

"Did you do that?" Shura asked me. "No. It wasn't me this time." I said. "I don't know if he's making progress or just lucky as hell." Shura said. "Should we tell him?" I asked. 

"No kid. You shouldn't. He needs to figure it out." Shura told me. 

Soon, I was told by Shura to get Rin because he was taking too long. Todoroki, Iida, and Midoriya were still training their Quirks. Soon, I saw Rin and Miwa. They were silent, until Miwa spoke out.

"I was all alone. But the people in Myoda took me in and raised me. And someday, I'll pay them back for their kindness. When I grow up, I wanna be useful to Myoda. They're the only thing I have to go back to. They're my home. Anyone who poses a threat to them... I don't care who they are, they're my enemy!" Miwa yelled. "OK. I get it." Rin said.

"So, all we have to show you is that we're not a threat. Then you'll be cool with us, right?" Rin asked. Miwa gasped. 

"I think I get why you're scared of us. Even though I practice every day like crazy, I still haven't got control over my flames yet, unlike my sister here. Heck, if I were you, I'd be nervous, too. It all makes sense now! Right! I'm gonna go train some more." Rin said, walking away. I still hid in the bushes. 

"Oh, by the way...before, you said you had nothing. But that's not really true. You got you friends. That's something, ain't it?" Rin asked. Miwa started to whimper. "Okumura." I quietly snuck back to the roof.

Soon it became nighttime. "Hey, if you want, you guys could go back to your rooms. I have to stay here with Rin until he figures things out with his blue flames." I told Todoroki, Midoriya, and Iida. "You sure?" Midoriya asked me.

"Yeah, I'm positive." I smiled at him, while Rin continued to murder the poor candles. Todoroki Refused to leave and decided to stay with us. "God, would you get a grip on those flame's already? You know, you can't stay up here messing around forever." Shura said.

"And nagging ain't helping." Rin groaned. After hours of trying, Rin finally did it! I was so happy for Rin as I jumped at him hugging him.

"Yay! You finally did it! Now I can go to sleep!" I cheered. "Wha---hey!" I yelled at Rin, as he started messing up my hair. "See that, Shura? Todoroki? I lit those suckers like a bad-ass! Whoo!" Rin cheered.

"Yeah, you sure did. Congratulations. You can finally get started on your training now." Shura yawned. "Wait, I thought I was training. Why have I been killing all these candles?!" Rin asked in shock.

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