Fighting more Bad Guys and getting injured.

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"I-It's n-nothing!" I lied. "Anyways, we should ask these guys about how they're planning on killing All Might." I said. "R-right." I heard Todoroki stutter.

We went up to one of the villains that Todoroki froze. "So the plan was to scatter us, and then kill us. You were woefully unprepared. In fact, it looks to me as though you've had no training. You haven't the slightest idea how to use your Quirks." Todoroki said.

"These powers...He froze us the instant we warped here, and she attacked us using her blue, fiery blade, swiftly and fastly." One of the villains said.

"They're not kids, they're monsters!" I stopped. 'I was a m-monster...?' I thought to myself. I felt pain in my chest. "Akia." Todoroki's voice brought me back from my thoughts.

"Is something wrong?" He asked. "N-No.. Nothing's wrong.." I say, hesitantly. Suddenly, another villain came at us. Todoroki got in front of me and froze the villain.

Another villain attacked us from behind, but Todoroki grabbed his weapon, freezing it and him as well. Todoroki pulled the weapon out of the villain's hand.

"Listen well. If you stay frozen, your cells will slowly die as your body succumbs to frostbite and hypothermia. Luckily for you, my friend and I wanna be a hero. So I'd like to avoid any unnecessary cruelty." Todoroki brought his right hand over to the villain's face, making his face cold.

Did Todoroki call me his friend? But I hardly knew him at all. "But I can only do that if you tell me how you plan to kill All Might. That's the only way you'll survive." I heard Todoroki say.

The villain told us that they knew nothing, except for the fact that that bird thing was really strong. They called it Nomu. "Well, we can't let the number 1 hero die." I said, about to run to kill Nomu.

I felt a cold hand grab my arm, preventing me from leaving. "What the--" "Promise, that you'll be alright." Todoroki said to me. I didn't know what to say.

I didn't want to get close to him. What if he dies, like Shiro?

I simply nodded. "I promise." I said, running to where Mr. Aizawa was fighting.

When I got there, I saw that Mr. Aizawa was injured very badly. "Get away from our teacher!" I yelled.

My blue flames covered my body. This time, without my dagger being untouched. There was smoke everywhere.

When the smoke cleared, I saw that Nomu was still pinning Mr. Aizawa down. "Fire? That might be a problem then. Nomu. Kill her." I heard a raspy voice say.

The Nomu grabbed my arm and threw me to a nearby wall. I felt a couple of my bones break, pain filling up my entire body.

I took out my dagger and tried to take off it's sheath wouldn't come off. I tried again, but it still wouldn't come off!

I looked back at Nomu. 'Oh, shi---' Nomu leapt forward with amazing speed. "Get away!" I yelled, releasing blue flames towards the Nomu.  Then Nomu got covered in my blue flames, and screeched loudly.

It then stopped. I saw that my fire hurt him, because there were burn marks starting to form on him.

But then, he started to take the fire head on and ran towards me again. Before I could move out of the way, it grabbed my tail.

I screamed as he smashed me to the ground. I could feel warm liquid from my head, as Nomu continued to hit my body on the ground. I felt my vision getting blurry. My blue flames died down.

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