Grudge Against Satan

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"Yes. Okumura speaking." I hear Yukio say as I watched Rin grapphing those joke glasses and wearingthem as his tail waved. "What? Yes. Right. Understood. I'm on the way." Yukio said.

"What's going on, Yukio?" Rin and I asked. "It's about our monastery." Yukio turned to us. "Huh?" I asked. "It's been attacked." Yukio told us as Rin and I gasped. The place that we grew up in for 14 years of our life had been attacked by a masked man.  We immediately ran towards the monastery. There was an ambulance at the entrance. There were spider webs everywhere. Who could have done this to our home? 

"What the hell happened?" Rin asked. We ran over to what looked like a body covered in spider webs. "Kyodo. Nagatomo." Yukio said. "Maruta. Izumi." I said. We wanted to go further, but the Exorcist doctor stooped us. "They're still alive. I'll explain later, but for now stay back." He told us.

"Damn. What the hell?" Rin asked. "Look at that." Yukio said. There seemed to be writing on the wall. It was written in blood. "It's in Polish. "I won't forgive anyone related to Satan."" An exorcist said. "You both know who that means, don't you?" Yukio asked Rin and I. 

I think I did.... It had to be Professor Noihaus. "Wait. You talking about us? Rin asked.

"Do you know who did this?" Yukio asked the exorcist. "We're still trying to figure that out. When we came through the door, one of the victims was still conscious--barely. He was mumbling something about a man in a mask." He told us. "A man in a mask?" Yukio asked. This brought me back to thinking about the incident with the little girl, Eri. "You, okay, Aki? If you want, we'll handle this one." Rin told me. "No...I'm fine." I simply replied and proceeded on. "This web was spun by demonic powers. It's hardened into a cement-like substance around the victims' bodies." Another exorcist told us. 

"But everyone is gonna be okay, right? I asked, worriedly. "There's a thin protective barrier surrounding their bodies. They must have started reciting holy verses just before they were attacked. The barriers are keeping them alive, but they won't last long. Maybe eight hours." Yukio looked up at his watch. "Until 2:00 A.M. tomorrow." Yukio said. I covered my mouth in complete shock. I felt Rin's hand on my shoulder, which helped a bit.

"The substance is something we've never seen before. We've been trying to find the antidote, but we're not having much luck." The exorcist said. I soon looked at Rin running towards the front door. "Rin!" Yukio yelled, running after him. "Onii-Chan!" I called after him, also running after Yukio and Rin. We were all outside the monastery again. "Knock it off, Yukio!" Rin shouted.

"Whoever did this was after you two, Rin. Akia." Yukio said. "Right. So if I'm out in the open, they'll try to--" "If you go, you'll be playing right into their hands." Yukio grabbed Rin by his shirt. "I made a promise to dad that I'd do everything I could to protect you two. Damn it, Rin, why can't you just trust me for once?" "Don't give me that. I don't need my little brother to look out for me. I can take care of myself, Damn it!" Rin yelled, engulfing himself in blue flames.

"Would you two stop?! Now's Not the time to fight!" I yelled at them. "Akia." Yukio started. Just then, Rin got away from his grasp and ran. "Rin!" I yelled. Why did he always make me worry like this? I decided to run after him. "Akia!" I heard Yukio calling my name.

Rin entered the alley. Was he trying to find someone? Just then I saw a man jump from the top of the building. That was where Rin might be! I followed my demonic senses, to find Rin's sword on the ground. There was a hardened substance around it, and there was a man in a creepy looking mast holding a stitch up to Rin. "Rin!" I yelled, pulling out my dagger to attack the man. 

"The little sister comes to the rescue." Just then, the man sent spider webs towards my direction.

I quickly drew out my dagger and engulfed the webs in blue flames. "Akia!" I heard Rin shout. The man used his webs to escape. Rin ran after that man again, but Shura stopped him. "Shura." I said. "Would you chill out already? Every time you run off like this, they send my ass in to bail you out." Shura said. Just then, Yukio ran past us, following the man in the mask.

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