Training Camp Part 2

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I thought about it for a moment. Could it be that they were right? That I actually am kind of falling for Ryuji? My face became hotter.

What were these thoughts that I was getting?


Why was I picturing Ryuji and I together?


And why do our kids look like Kuro?!


My heart beat at a faster pace. What were these feelings?! Don't tell me that I actually like Suguro. Of all the times he called me a shrimp, holding me up by my shirt... During the Impure King incident... DON'T TELL ME I ACTUALLY LIKE HIM AS MORE THAN JUST A FRIEND?!

I couldn't sleep that night. I still had those thoughts of Ryuji that I could not get rid of. Of course I heard the giggling of girls.

The next day, we woke up very early. I was very tired. I yawned and stretched my limbs.


We were starting training bright and early. Mr. Aizawa and Shura were forcing me and Rin, secretly, to control our flames. It was mentally exhausting. 

Our heads were dizzy, but I think I willed my flames for a longer period of time.

I felt improvement in my flames. At the end, Rin and I had a massive headache and we were very dizzy. To us, it felt like the world was continuously spinning. We were holding each other, trying to keep our balance. We were hungry. Our classmates were hungry.

Training was literal hell. I saw Ryuji, Shima, Kirishima, Kaminari, and Sero trying to hold back a laugh. "What are you guys looking at?" I pouted. 

"At the way you and Rin became extremely close during the first day of training camp. It looks like you know him personally. You know what I mean." Kaminari started to tease.

"Yeah. It's like you always knew him like he was your brother or something." Ryuji smirked. "Ryuji..." I muttered, glaring at him, but also blushing. I wanted to wipe those smiles off their pretty faces. "I feel kind of jealous. I wanted to go on a date with you, but I could see you clearly have someone." Kaminari said.

"DENKI KAMINARI! I swear to god, I'll come over there and put you six feet under this very ground!" I yelled at him. Rin was too dizzy to do anything. I could see the literal fear in Kaminari's eyes.

 He knew too well already what I was capable of after the sports festival and when I showed to everyone that I had new control over my blue flames. I could hear Kaminari's whimper.

"So...You and your brothers are this close?" I heard Sero ask. Since when did Sero know that I had an older brother?! I saw Shima's nervous expression. And that's how I found out they spilled it. "L-look, Akia...I can explain..." Shima said, sweating like crazy.

"You're dead, Shima. I can't help you now." Ryuji said. "Oh, no... you're all dead. Including Kirishima here." I said, glaring angrily at the boys. 

Suddenly, Ryuji came over to Rin and I, then lifted me in the air, holding the back of my shirt. I was dangling in the air.

"Put me down!" I glared daggers at him, blushing. "How are you going to kill us without using your flames? With your height, Shrimp?" Ryuji teased.

 I hated that he was taller and I was very short, standing at around five feet and three inches. But somehow, I didn't know why but I liked being teased. I just glared at his smirk, lighting a small blue flame at the tip of my tail.

"Ryuji, let go of my sister." I heard Yukio say, annoyed by the times he had to tell Ryuji to let me go. "Sorry, Mr. Okumura." Ryuji said, finally placing me down beside Rin. I heard a series of giggles coming from the girls. "Oh, shut it!" I said.

"Alright. Enough talking, otherwise we're not going to have time for dinner." Izumo said. " With that, we went to make dinner. Tonight, the students were going to make food, and we were given the ingredients to make curry.

Rin and I immediately went to work preparing the curry. We acted like the master chefs in the kitchen, telling everyone what to do. After we were done preparing the food, we dug in. "So delicious!" I heard Uraraka exclaim.

"It's restaurant type food!" I heard Kirishima say. "If Rin was a girl, he would make for a pretty good house wife." Shima said.

"Aw...stop that you're gonna make me blush!" Rin said, blushing, holding his face with both of his hands. We all laughed. The next day, we trained some more. 

My body was aching and I wanted to just fall to the ground, but I couldn't.

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