Attack on Training Camp and New Powers?

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At night, we had another exercise to do as well. It was a test of courage. We were sent off in pairs. Class 1B along with Ryuji, Shima, Rin, Izumo, Konekomaru, and Shiemi would be the scarers. While we wandered into the dark woods. I was paired up with Deku.

Yukio, and Shura decided to supervise. As Iida's team was about to go next, I smelled something off.

"Guys... Why do I smell fire?" I asked, nervously. Suddenly, Pixie Bob glowed and was dragged into the air. There were strangers in the camp? No wait... Those were villains.

"Everyone get back to the building and tell Mr. Aizawa what's happening!" Yukio told us, taking out his guns. Shura took out her sword. Mandalay used her telepathy to tell everyone of the current situation and not to engage in combat.

"Hey, Mandalay, I know where Kota is. I should go get him." Midoriya said. "Wait! We'll get there faster if I fly. I drew my dagger out and willed my blue flames to form wings. I grabbed Midoriya's arm, preparing to take off, but Yukio stopped me.

"Wait! I'm not letting you go off on your own!" Yukio told me. "Big brother, we don't have time to talk about this. I promise that I'll be fine. Besides. I'll be with Deku." I said. 

"She's got a point there." Shura said. Deku and I took off to the mountain where Kota was at. 

As we were flying, I saw the damage from above. Half of the forest was covered flames. Surely it couldn't be Rin. 

He finally had control over his blue flames. And these flames were more different. I was sure of it. The other half was covered in pink gas which I could tell was probably poisonous.

There, we saw a tall man. He had a lot of muscle covering his arms. His hair was blonde and he had his left eye missing. Kota was terrified. "Come on! We have to hurry!" Midoriya told me.

I flew faster. "Get ready Midoriya. I'm going to throw you over to him." I said, gathering all my strength and threw Deku towards the Muscle man.

The muscle man was about to punch Kota, but Midoriya managed to get there on time and grab Kota just in time, while I drew out my dagger and slashed the muscle man, pushing him back slightly.

Both mine and Midoriya's phone broke in the process. I stood in front of Midoriya and Kota while Midoriya stood up. "What are you two doing?" Kota asked us. Before I had time to respond, the muscle man spoke. 

"Huh. Now you two, I recognise. You two were on the list." The muscle man spoke. 

We came up here to make sure Kota was safe. We didn't think we'd actually run into any villains! And since our phones were broken, we couldn't call any backup. 

Of course, I didn't think we'd need backup because I had my dagger, blue flames, speed, and power. How strong could this guy be? Well, Midoriya and I were about to find out for ourselves.

I turned and saw that Kota was trembling and crying. No. We didn't have time to think. This man wanted to kill us. I could see the murderous intent in his eyes. "Hey. I promise everything will be okay." I smiled at Kota. "We're going to save you, Kota." Midoriya and I said.

"You two really think you two can save this little brat?" The muscle man chuckled. "That does sound like something a wannabe hero would say. Your kind sure likes to mouth off about justice." Midoriya and I prepared ourselves for the fight.

"The names are Midoriya and Akia, right? Perfect. We were told we could take some initiative and kill you, Midoriya. For Akia we have to take you back with us. But first, a little torment. Show me your blood." The muscle man leapt forward at us, He covered his right arm with muscle.

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