Todoroki's Flames.

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"Wait, Akia! Please be my friend!" I heard him say. "Yes! Yes, I will be your friend!" I smiled genuinely at him. Todoroki was surprised to see me smile. I didn't blame him though. These past few weeks, Todoroki and the others had never seen me smile.

Maybe I should start opening up to others again...

The next match was against Deku and Todoroki. I watched nervously. The match began. I watched as Todoroki used his ice and how Deku broke his fingers to break the ice.

Todoroki had created an ice wall to support himself to not get blasted out of bounds by the wind pressure. This went on for a while. Deku kept breaking his fingers. Todoroki then began his attack. He used his ice to run towards Deku.

Deku used his quirk, but Todoroki dodged it and landed on the ground, catching Deku's foot with his ice. Deku then used his full arm to break the ice. His left hand was now broken, but it sent Todoroki away just enough. I noticed that there was frost appearing on his right side.

Could this be his ice quirk's draw back? I watched him some more. His movements were getting slower. He was obviously cold, and he was shaking. "So come at me with all you've got!" Midoriya yelled.

Todoroki was mad. He was running towards Midoriya, but his movements were slower now. Midoriya punched him in the chest and he went flying back, but there was ice on his left arm. He landed a hit on Todoroki. 'Idiot. He's telling me that I'm stubborn. It's your quirk, not his dammit!' I thought.

Midoriya kept dodging Todoroki's ice attacks since they were slower. "Stop screwing around! If you wanna reject your father, fine, but you don't have the right to be number one if you aren't going to use your full power." Midoriya said.

Frost covered his body even more. "Shut up." I heard Todoroki say to Midoriya. Todoroki paused. I could tell that he was lost in his own thoughts.

Todoroki was struggling to get up. "I refuse to use my left side." Todoroki said. "It's yours! Your Quirk, not his!" Deku yelled. I couldn't just sit there and watch. I got out of my seat. "Who do you want to be?!" I yelled at Todoroki.

I soon saw him staring at me. We were staring at each other for a moment and, as if on cue, his flames shot out of him. He was finally using his left side. Todoroki's flames were beautiful. I heard everyone gasp.

"He's using his fire!" Uraraka said. I was holding on to the railing. I didn't care at that moment if my body stung a little. I dealt with much worse after all. I dealt with demons with my brothers and classmates. We were staring at each other, until Todoroki turned to face Midoriya now, using his flames.

"I want it, too. I'll be a hero!" Todoroki said. Midoriya and Todoroki were smiling. I was too, obviously. I was so happy for him to finally use his fire. "Yes, Shoto! Have you finally accepted your purpose? That's it. Very good. This is the dawn of a new era for us. With my blood in your veins, you'll surpass me. You will live up to the reason I created you!" I heard Endeavor yell out.

I saw Todoroki visibly flinch, hearing that. The frost on his body completely melted away. Todoroki was temporarily using both sides at the same time. He sent an ice barrage towards Midioriya, but he surprisingly dodged, and his arm started glowing.

Todoroki brought his left hand back for a moment, then, directed his flames towards Midoriya. Midoriya and the same time, used a punch. There was a huge explosion, and smoke and strong wind was everywhere. 'Who had won?' I thought to myself.

The smoke cleared away and we gasped. Midoriya was out of bounds. His arms and leg were broken including his fingers. He fell on the ground, and was unconscious. Todoroki was still standing.

He had won, though the left side of his shirt was burnt off, revealing his partial abs. His hair was a mess. I ran downstairs immediately to congratulate him and to see how Midoriya was doing.

I soon found Todoroki. He was talking to his dad again. "What's the matter? Not gonna tell me to get lost? You need to learn to control your left side. It's dangerous to release so much energy like that. But I'm glad you're finally seeing reason. Now that you've abandoned your childish rebellion, we can get back to what's important. After you graduate, you'll work by my side. I'll lead you down the path of the mighty, Shoto." Endeavor said.

I waited to see what Todoroki had to say. "I haven't abandoned anything." Todoroki said. "Huh?" Endeavor asked.

"You're a fool to think my feelings could be so easily reversed. Instead... Out there... For that one moment... I forgot all about you. Whether that's good or bad, whether it's the right thing to do, I don't know. Maybe I don't need you." Todoroki told him, and started walking towards where I was.

'Yes! Show him who's boss!' I mentally cheered. "Akia?" Todoroki's voice brought me back from reality. "Todoroki!" I ran towards him, hugging him, almost causing him to fall over. I saw him blush. "Congrats on the win!" I smiled, happily.

 "Congrats on the win!" I smiled, happily

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"Akia...I never...saw this side of you..." Todoroki was still in shock. "Just because I don't smile often, doesn't mean I don't smile!" I pouted. He returned the embrace.

"Thank you..." He whispered in my ear, which sent shivers down my spine, and tail. I heard Present Mic tell us that the arena was fixed and for the next contendants to come. I was going to fight against Iida. "Good luck." Todoroki said to me, leaving me there. 

The match started. "Recipro...Burst!" Iida yelled running towards me at full speed. I drew my dagger out and my reaction time, speed, power got stronger. Just then Iida came behind me and started punishing me out of bounds.

Inches away from the line, I jumped, and landed behind Iida, pushing him out of bounds. I advanced to the next round. "Sorry, Iida." I apologized to him. "No. It's alright. That was a good move indeed." He told me. "Thank you, Iida." I told him.

When I saw who I was going to fight next, my heart stopped. I was going to fight Todoroki. "Great..." I mumbled. "Good game!" Iida told me. "Thanks!" I said.

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