Family Reunion and Defeating Stain

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"Get away from our sister!" I heard two, very familiar voices yell, behind me. I heard familiar gun shots, as the heavy feeling subsided. I look up to see an all too familiar shape stand in front of me, holding his sword. Standing beside him was a person in a black coat holding two guns. "You okay kid?" I heard a familiar woman's voice next to me.

I let a tear escape from my eye. "Rin...Yukio...Shura..." I managed to breathe out. "You alright, Sis?" Rin asked, glancing his eyes down on me. "Yeah... I'm... fine..." I said. "Don't worry Akia, we'll hand this one." Yukio said.

"Yeah, you're going to pay for hurting our little sister!" Rin yelled the last part. He was covered in blue flames, attacking Stain.

Stain was dodging Rin's attacks and fire. Yukio however, like the smart brother he is, predicted where Stain was going to be, and managed to shoot him.

Stain was going after Yukio now. It seemed to me that Stain was getting desperate. Shura was attacking too. I soon regained the feeling in my body. I saw Todoroki snapping back into reality, and used his ice to keep Stain on his toes.

"You have to run. I can't watch this." Iida was crying. "You wanna make your brother proud?!" Todoroki said, creating more ice.

"Then stand up and be Ingenium!" I said, standing up. "Akia!" I heard Rin and Yukio say. 

Stain cut the ice with his sword. I swore his eyes were practically glowing red. I got in front of Todoroki and took my dagger off of my back to block him from attacking Todoroki. My legs were trembling. 

"Become the hero he wanted you to be!" I yelled, setting myself on fire, and threw fire at him.

"Watch your right!" I yelled at Rin. Rin sent fire toward his right. He continued dodging it. Stain was dodging both Todoroki's ice and fire. 

"Ice and fire. Hasn't anyone ever told you you rely on your quirk too much? Makes you a careless fighter." Stain said, but he didn't notice Shura sneaking up behind him.

"Hasn't anyone told you to not focus on one target when fighting multiple heroes?" Shura then asked. "You.." Stain the lept towards Shura. Shura prepared her sword. "Shura!" I heard Yukio yell.

"Recipro burst!" I heard Iida yell as he kicked Stain's weapon away from Shura and kicked Stain again and threw him back. "Iida!" Deku said. "You're free, too?" I asked.

"Guess his quirk isn't as great as I thought it was." Todoroki said "Wait, what's his Quirk?" Rin asked. "He has the ability to paralyze you by ingesting your blood. The shortest to longest is O, A, AB, and B." I explained.

"So...Cool..." Rin exclaimed. Yukio and Shura glared at him. "Oh, r-right... I'll stay quiet." Rin said. "Todoroki... Midoriya... Akia...and her family, I'm assuming.

 This has nothing to do with you. I apologize." Iida said. "Come on. Not this again." Deku said. "I'm okay. And I won't let the six of you shed any more blood for me!" Iida said.

"It's no use trying to pretend you're a hero now. A person's true nature doesn't change in just a few minutes. You'll never be anything but a fraud who prioritizes his own desires. You're the sickness that's infected society and ruined the name "hero." Someone must teach you a lesson." Stain glared at Iida.

"You're a fundamentalist lunatic. Iida, don't listen to this murderer's nonsense." Yukio said, shooting at Stain while he dodged and blocked some bullets. "No. He's completely correct. I have no right to call myself a hero... at all. Even so... There's no way I can back down. If I give up now, then the name "Ingenium" will die!" Iida said. "Pathetic." Stain said, running towards Iida.

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