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Mr. Aizawa went on to talk more about hero work studies. "The hero work studies are a more serious version of your internships. They entail helping pro agencies on the streets and with investigations. Your teachers and the principal discussed them at the faculty meeting. And we all agree. It's too soon. They should really be canceled." Mr Aizawa said.

"What?!" We all yelled. "Aw, but we already met about them!" Kirishima said. "I guess, when you think about why we had to move into the dorms, it does make sense." Kaminari said. Bakugo stood up and started laughing. "Hah ha!" "Just because you wouldn't get to do one." I said.

"But...some people think we won't be able to raise strong heroes with that sort of protective outlook. And with that in mind, the compromise is to be selective about participating agencies. So, choose one with a proven track record. Otherwise, you won't be taking part." Mr Aizawa said. "A wise requirement." Iida said. "Maybe I should contact Selkie." Tsu said. "Damn it!" Bakugo suddenly yelled.

I was thinking about it during our break. Which pro hero has a proven track record for work studies? I honestly did not want to do a work study at Endeavor's agency. He and I never did actually get along. As I was walking to my next class, I felt a hand on my shoulder. "Hey! You're Akia right?" I heard a familiar voice say.

I turned around to see... Mirio Togata. He was one of the big three. I wonder what he wanted with me? "Yeah. I am? What do you want to talk to me about, Togata?" I asked him. "As you probably guessed, I do a work study. The place where I do my work study is at Sir Nighteye's agency. I told him about your class, and when I mentioned your name, Sir Nighteye became very interested and wanted to see you in person." Togata told me.

"Sir...Nighteye?" "Yup! He was a former sidekick of All Might, just so you know more about him." Togata told me. Why was a former sidekick of All Might interested in meeting me? "When does he want to see me?" I asked him? "Sir Nighteye said that Saturday would work." Togata said. "Oh! Okay." I said. Just then the mic spoke. "Third year student, Mirio Togata, All Might would like to speak with you. Please head to the counseling office at once. I repeat." The mic said. Whoa! All Might wanted to talk to him? I couldn't believe it.

"Ha. Crazy. He wants to talk to me? Wonder what it's about." Togata said. "Are you in trouble or something?" I asked him. "No clue, But... I've to-gata go see!" Togata said, posing. I sweat dropped. "Get it?" Togata asked me. I didn't answer. I didn't know what to say.

Well, that was an awkward day. Soon, Saturday came. I prepared myself to visit Sir Nighteye. Mirio was going to walk me there. Of course, today, it was my turn to take care of Kuro. Midoriya seemed to be in a rush as well. I walked past Todoroki and Bakugo who were heading for their provisional licensing training exam. Bakugo seemed annoyed as always and wanted to get it over with as quickly as possible. Todoroki was determined to catch up to us.

Weirdly enough, Midoriya and I were headed towards the same train, same stop, and same turns. I couldn't take it any longer and decided to ask him. "Hey, Midoriya. Who are you planning on doing your work study with?" I asked him. 

"Sir Nighteye. How about you?" Midoriya asked. "Wait a minute. You're also going to do your work study with Sir Nighteye? Did he want to speak with you too?" I asked him. 'Whoa! There are many humans with strange Quirks!' Kuro said, amazed.

"Does Kuro like it here?" Midoriya asked me. 'Sure I do!' Kuro moved his tail, side to side, happily. I chuckled. "He sure does." I told him. "Hey, guys!" I heard Mirio's voice from a distance. We soon came up to him. "Who's this little cat?" Mirio asked me. "Oh! His name's Kuro." I replied. "He has two tails?" Mirio noticed. " that... He was born with a strange mutation. Onii-chan and I decided to adopt him." I said. That was the backstory if anyone asked about Kuro's second tail.

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