The UA Sports Festival

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Next day came. We thought that we would have a substitute teacher since Mr. Aizawa was still recovering.

Turns out that was not the case....

Mr. Aizawa did show up...

His entire face was bandaged except where his eyes were. Despite his injuries, he still came to school. 'Wow...' I thought to myself.

"Morning, class." Mr. Aizawa spoke through the bandages.

"Mr. Aizawa, what are you doing here?" The students asked in disbelief.

"Whoa! What a pro." Denki said. 

"Mr. Aizawa. I'm glad you're okay." Iida said.

"You call that "okay"?" I asked. "My well being is irrelevant. What's more important is that your fight isn't over yet." Mr. Aizawa said.

"Our fight?" "Don't tell me..." "Not more bad guys!" Bakugo, Midoriya, and a panicked Mineta said.

"The UA Sports Festival is about to start." Mr. Aizawa explained.

"Yes!' Kirishima exclaimed. "Ugh! Why would you scare us like that?" Some of the students asked.

"Let's go kick some ass!" Kirishima said. "Wait a second." Denki said.

"Is it really such a good idea to hold the sports festival so soon after the villains snuck inside?" Jiro asked. "They could attack once we're all in the same place." Ojiro said.

"Apparently, the administration thinks this is a good way to show that the threat has been handled and our school is safer than ever. Plus they're beefing up security compared to past years. This event is a huge opportunity for all students at UA. It's not something we can cancel because of a few villains." Mr. Aizawa explained.

"Uh, I'm sorry, but why not? It's just a sports festival!" Mineta asked. "Huh! Mineta, don't you know how important this competition is?" Midoriya asked.

"Of course I do! I just don't wanna get murdered." Mineta said.

"Our sports festival is one of the most watched events in the entire world. In the past, everyone obsessed over the Olympic games. But then Quirks started appearing. Now, the Olympics have been drastically reduced in terms of scale and viewership. For anyone who cares about competition, there's only one tournament that matters. The UA Sports Festival." Mr. Aizawa explained.

"That's right. And top heroes everywhere will be watching. This is where you get scouted." Yayorozu said. "Sure, unless you're dead." Mineta said.

"She's right. After graduating, a lot of people join pro agencies as a sidekick." Denki said.

"Yeah, but that's as far as some people go. They miss their chance to go indie and stay eternal sidekicks. Actually, that's probably where you're headed. You're kinda dumb." Jiro said to Kaminari, leaving him speechless.

"It's true that joining a famous hero agency can garner you greater experience and popularity. That's why the festival matters. If you wanna go pro one day, then this event could open the path for you. One chance a year. Three chances in a lifetime. No aspiring hero can afford to miss this festival. That means you better not slack off on your training." Mr. Aizawa told us.

"Yes, sir!" The students replied. 

I noticed that Midoriya was in deep thought again. 

"Class is dismissed." Mr. Aizawa said.

That thought left my head, when Bakugo came up to me, angrily. "Hey, Cat! I want you to give it your all, so I can prove to the pro heroes out there that I could beat you!" Kacchan yelled at me.

"Well, I wasn't planning on holding back in the first place!" I yelled back.

'Did he just call me a cat?!' After the next class, there were students blocking our doorway.

Bakugo said that they were scouting for competition, to see what we could do. They were giving out declarations of war.

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