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Just then, I heard their voices coming from the forest. "Akia! Dodge!" Rin warned me. Just then, I saw a villain who had blades for teeth. The blades were coming straight for me, so I dodged. Just then, Dark Shadow pinned the villain on the ground.

"Flesh. Slabs of meat. No good. Can't allow it. I'm the one who gets to slice them open. Don't steal from me!" The villain attacked Dark Shadow. The villain made a terrible choice. Dark Shadow grabbed the villain. "You don't matter. Insignificant bug!" Dark Shadow said, breaking the villain's teeth which were turned into blades.

"Now, finish him." I heard Bakugo say. Was he enjoying this? Dark Shadow threw him to a nearby tree, knocking the villain out. "Not enough! It's not enough!" I heard Dark Shadow growl, preparing to attack the others.

Just then, I saw Bakugo, Rin and Todoroki combine their powers to control Dark Shadow. Dark Shadow squeaked, getting smaller.

"And once again, I'm a terrible matchup for you, birdboy." Bakugo said. "Thanks. You saved me." Tokoyami said. "We could barely defend against that guy, but you beat him instantly." Todoroki said to Tokoyami.

"Shoji. Midoriya. I apologize. You, too, Akia. I'm still far too immature. Anger consumed me. And I let my Quirk take over. The influence of the darkness, combined with my fury, spurred Dark Shadow into a frenzy. got so strong, I couldn't contain it. And I ended up hurting Shoji and you as well." I saw the guilt in his eyes.

"We'll deal with that later." I said. "That's what you'd say if our roles were reversed." Shoji said. "I get it. After all, My little sis and I are in the same situation as you." Rin said.

"Okay. I don't know if you heard Mandalay, but Akia and I found out the villains are after her and Kacchan." Midoriya told Tokoyami. "Bakugo? Okumura? Are they trying to kill them? Why?" Tokoyami asked. 

"Wait, hold up! They're after you too?! Then why are you here in the first place?" Rin asked me in shock.

"To get you, idiot. If the villains find out you are my brother and have the same powers as me, then they'll probably go after you too." I countered. 

"Still, that is pretty reckless." Rin said, then I saw him glancing at my arm and leg, seeing the blood. "Especially when you're bleeding as well. Here." Rin added.

"Rin, what are you--" Without time to finish my question, Rin placed me on his back. "Shut up. As your big brother, I should make sure you and Yukio are safe at all times." Rin told me.

"Fine." I pouted. I didn't have the strength in me to complain. "I think we should get back to camp. It's the safest place now, so long as Vlad King, Mr. Aizawa, Shima and Miwa have regrouped there." Midoriya explained.

"I understand. So our mission is to get Bakugo, Akia and Rin back to safety by serving as their protectors." Tokoyami said. "It's possible the Pussycats, Mr. Okumura, and Shura are still fighting in the clearing. Going that way would draw the attention of the villains. Plus, it's longer. We should cut straight across." Midoriya said.

"We don't know how many enemies there are. We might come across some by chance." Tokoyami said. "We could use Shoji's search ability. And Todoroki's freezing power. And, if Tokoyami's okay with it, we can always use Dark Shadow now that we can actually control him. Honestly with a group like this, we could probably go up against All Might." Midoriya said.

"Sounds like a plan." Rin agreed. "I'd be fine by myself!" Bakugo shouted. "We'll surround you three as we walk." Todoroki told us. "I don't need any of your protection, dammit!" Bakugo shouted.

Daughter of Satan in Multiple Worlds Part 1Where stories live. Discover now