Another Festival

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"Look, look! Look at me!" Mina said, one day, stretching. She put some music on and started breakdancing, showing us her skills. "Breaking, breaking!" Mina said, dancing. Sero and Hagakure cheered. "Dancing is her hobby, huh?" Aoyama asked. "If you're gonna wear something under, then take off your skirt!" Mineta said.

Annoyed by what he was saying, I hit him in the head "Mineta, you can't talk like that!" I said. Midoriya obviously had his notes on Mina. Sometimes, I didn't get Midoriya at all.

Midoriya wanted to learn how to dance, to improve his fighting. I decided to join in too. She was teaching us the basics at first. Turns out, I was a natural at this. Why were Aoyama and Midoriya moving like robots? Weren't they flexible? They were acting all stiff. They needed to loosen up a little.

Today, Mr. Aizawa had an announcement to make about a certain event coming up. "Um..." Mr. Aizawa started. "We're going to have a school festival." Mr. Aizawa told us. We all shouted, Schooent!" Everyone was excited of course.

"Mr. Aizawa, is this really okay? To be so carefree in these times?" Kirishima asked. "'ve changed." Kaminari said. "But it's true--villains are flourishing right now!" Kirishima said.

"You're right. That's a very reasonable opinion. However, U.A. isn't just about the hero course. If the sports festival is the big moment for the hero course, the school festival is for the others-- the support course, general studies, and business course students--to shine. It doesn't get as much attention as the sports festival, but for them, it's an event they look forward to. And there are those who are feeling stressed by the current conditions, which, starting with the dorm system, came about because of the hero course." Mr. Aizawa explained to us.

"Thinking about it that way, there's no excuse for not holding it." Kirishima said. "Yeah. That's why we can't just say we won't have it. Unlike past years, this year, other than some of the people involved, the festival will be just for the school. Even if we aren't the focus, each class still needs to participate with something. You need to decide that today..." Mr. Aizawa slept in his yellow sleeping bag.

"He's asleep!" We all whispered. Iida and Yaoyorozu came up to the class. "I, Tenya Iida, Class 1-A representative, will take things from here! I'll do my best to help things go smoothly! First, put out some options. If you have a suggestion, raise your hand!" Iida said. We all raised our hands. "Let's do a maid cafe!" Kaminari said. No way was I gonna let that happen. I was not going to dress as a maid. "That's too tame, Kaminari!" Mineta yelled. "A boo--" Before Mineta could suggest anything inappropriate, I helped Tsu tie Mineta in a potato sack and hang him.

 "Do you have a weight?" I asked Sato. "Yeah..." Sato said. "A mochi shop!" Uraraka said. "An arm-wrestling tournament!" Kirishima said. "A fun house!" Hagakure said. "A crepe shop!" Sato said. "A cooking show!" I said. "A dance!" Mina said. "A hero quiz." Midoriya said. "Let's sing "Frog Song" in a round." Tsu said. 

"A petting zoo." Koda said. "Hand-made soba." Todoroki said. "A death match." Bakugo said, grinning evilly. "So intense!" I said. "A feast of the students of darkness." Tokoyami said. "My twinkling show!" Aoyama said. "A skit or something?" Jiro asked. We still started listing more ideas.

There were so many ideas that we could not decide. Mr. Aizawa decided to let us choose it tomorrow morning. If we didn't choose anything then, he'll make it a public lecture. We started visualizing what it would be like. A class on a stage maybe? Wouldn't that be studying while other people looked at us? He had to be joking, right? With that, we had to decide on what we were going to do by tonight.

Because of our work studies, we were still catching up with the rest of the class, so we let them choose what we were going to do. We decided to do dancing and music. Mr. Aizawa told us that Eri was concerned about Me, Midoriya and Togata, and it was her first request since being admitted to the hospital. Of course we agreed, and we all went. We opened the hospital door to see Eri sitting on her bed. "Eri." Mirio, Midoriya, and I said.

Eri was slightly surprised to see us. "Sorry I couldn't come see you sooner." I said. "Here's a fruit basket! Eat some if you'd like!" Mirio said, smiling, handing her the basket, to choose a fruit. "Is there a fruit you like? Can I try guessin?" Mirio asked as she picked. "It's peaches, right? 'Cause you're like a peach!" Mirio complemented. 

"Apples..." Eri said, holding the fruit basket. "That's what I thought!" Mirio winked. "Then, let's peel it! Since it's an apple!" I said. I cut the apple up, setting them on a plate for Eri. "This whole time, even when I had a fever, I was thinking...about when you rescued me. But I didn't know your names. I only knew Lemillion. I wanted to know your name." Eri told Midoriya and I.

"I'm Izuku Midoriya. My hero name is Deku!" "And I'm Akia Okumura. My hero name is Night Light." Midoriya said. "Um, maybe since Deku is shorter, it's easier to remember..." "You could also call me Akia. I don't mind." I told her. "Deku. I'm Deku!" Midoriya said. "Hero name?" Eri asked. "It's a nickname." I told her. "Deku." Eri said. "That's right!" Midoriya nodded. Eri turned her head to me. "Akia." She called me. 

"Yup!" I smiled. "Lemillion. Deku. Akia. And...that man wearing glasses... All of you...were injured badly because of me." Eri said. She still didn't know that Nighteye died. I couldn't blame her. "Because of me, you all suffered..." Eri started to shed a few tears. "I'm sorry..." Eri apologized. "It... It was my fault that you lost your power, Lemillion..." Miro placed his hand on Eri's head. "Eri. No one thought they were suffering. This is what we all think: "I'm glad Eri is okay!" There's no point in apologizing to someone who doesn't exist. Don't worry about it. Everyone fought because they wanted to see your smile!" Mirio said, to Eri, who blinked at him.

Then, she tried something. We didn't know what she was doing with her face. She was holding her cheeks,trying to do something. Eventually, she put her hands down. "I'm sorry... How do you smile again...?" Eri asked. Poor girl... She was still haunted by the shadow of Chisaki. She hadn't been saved at all. Eri didn't know anything fun or how to smile! 'Was there anything that could make Eri smile again?' I thought to myself. 

Soon, an idea came to my mind. The sports festival. Of course. We could surprise her with the sports festival! According to the doctor, the horn that lets her use her Quirk has shrunk. There's a low chance of going out of control! And also, there was a low chance that she'll come into contact with anyone from the outside! This was brilliant!

"Mr. Aizawa!" I got up, and walked towards him. "Could Eri leave the hospital for just one day?" I asked him. "What are you thinking about, Akia?" Midoriya asked me. "It's not impossible, but anyway, she's going to be--" "Then, can Eri come, too?" I asked. "I see..." Mr. Aizawa got what I was about to say. "The school festival. Can Eri come, too?" I asked. "School festival?" Eri asked. "Eri, this is a great idea! A school festival is a festival that takes place at our school! The people at school plan things for everyone at school to have fun, and they sell food-- Oh, and apples! There might be candy apples!" Mirio said. "Candy apples..." Eri asked.

I turned to face Eri. "It's a type of candy where they make apples--of all things--even sweeter!" I told her. "Even sweeter..." Eri started to drool. "All Right. I'll talk it over with the principal." Mr. Aizawa said. "In that case... Eri, what do you think?" Midoriya asked. "I...thought...about the people who saved me...when I was saved... I thought about how I wanted to know more about everyone." Eri told us.

"I'll tell you more than you want to know!" Mirio said. "Let's work on the principal, too, to get him to say "yes"!" Miro said. "Okay!" Midoriya and I nodded. "I'm on a break from school right now, so I can stay with you the whole time on our date!" Mirio said. "Date?" Eri asked. "An outing taken by a man and a woman who are intimate!" Mirio explained. "An outing taken by a man and a woman..." Eri started. "Togata, what are you saying..." I asked, nervously. 

We were talking with Eri some more, explaining to her what she didn't understand. We started preparing for the school festival. The school festival was one month away.

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