Going to Kyoto

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We all went back to the academy to get healed up. During that time, Todoroki, Midoriya, and Iida got their temptate, allowing them to see demons. Todoroki flinched, seeing Kuro, our two-tailed cat. I chuckled, picking up.

'Tell him that I'm not a threat, Akia. I don't like it when humans are scared of me.' Kuro told me. "I will, don't worry, Kuro." I said. "You can understand him?!" I heard Midoriya flipping out.

"Yeah. Demons can understand each other using telepathy. Kuro is also telling you guys not to be afraid of him. Just think of him as a regular, house cat." I said. Shura told us that we were going to Kyoto to guard the Right Eye. Todorki, Iida, and Midoriya were coming too. Rin was excited, seeing that it was his first time going to Kyoto.

"In middle school, I didn't get to go on the field trip to Kyoto, only Akia did, so this'll be my first time." Rin exclaimed, reading a tour book of Kyoto. Kuro was on top of my head as we were walking on board the train.

We all wore the True Cross Academy uniform, except for Shura. " I can't wait to break that banana out of my snack pack!" Rin said.

"Your little "Yay, I get to go on a trip" acts almost cute, but this is work, so get your ass on the train." Shura told Rin. We got on board the train. Some of the students looked at Rin and I and I could hear whispers. They obviously knew that Rin and I were the spawn of Satan, the most powerful demon out there.

"So, is it OK if I just sit anywhere?" Rin asked. "Know what "read the room" means? It means we sit up front." I said, taking a window seat.

Midoriya and Iida sat next to each other. Heard a couple of footsteps, and turned to face the person who was willing to sit next to me. Why was I not surprised?

It was Todoroki. He sat in the seat next to me. Rin was sitting behind us. Shura was lecturing Rin. "While I'm checking out how the vaccinations are coming along up in car three, you keep your ass in that seat and stay out of trouble. Akia, you are watching over him and reporting to me. Got it?" Shura asked me.

"Yeah, I got it." I said, taking out a book to read. Rin was continuing on reading the tour guide book. "I-I can't believe we are actually facing real demons..." Midoriya started mumbling to himself. I hope he doesn't annoy me to death.

"Oh, no way!" Rin said. I turned around to face Rin. "What? What is it?" I asked. "They got a tower in Kyoto, too? Sweeeeet! Akia, why didn't you tell me that there was a tower there?!" Rin whined. "Because the tower is nothing that important besides a famous landmark." I said.

"A-Akia." I heard someone's faint voice say my name. Todoroki and I turned back around to see Shiemi. 

She was probably shocked to see me, considering that I died right in front of her eyes. We were silent, until Rin called out her name, smiling nervously. 

 I could tell that this was getting awkward between us. "So, you're Shiemi, right? I heard much about you from Akia here." I heard Iida's voice. He was trying to lighten the mood. "R-right..." Shiemi said.

"I'm Iida, the person sitting next to me is Midoriya, and the guy sitting next to Akia is Todoroki." Iida said, introducing himself. "N-nice to meet you three." Shiemi stuttered, completely ignoring Rin and I.

I could tell that this was hard for her. Just imagine that you found out that your two best friends are the offspring of Satan, and one of them died, only to come back a week later. You wouldn't know what to say.

I felt a ball of anxiety fill my chest, making it hard for me to breathe, until I felt a warm hand on my shoulder. "Give them space. Your classmates will still be in shock, seeing you alive after one week." Todoroki told me.

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