Operation Start!

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 We changed into our hero costumes. "You ready for this, kid?" Shura asked me. "I swear, that I am going to kick more ass than you." I told her. "Is that a challenge?" Shura smirked. "Yeah." I nodded. This time, for sure. "Now, then. Let's begin." Nighteye said. It was 8am in the morning and we were gathered up in front of the police station. The Hassaikai headquarters were underground. We were given the brief layout of their base.

We were to start the operation. At 8:30 am, we were all facing the Hassaikai stronghold. We were to commence in this operation. Just as one of the police members was about to ring the bell, a large person with a plague mask broke down the wall, sending one of the officers in the air, but Midoriya thankfully caught him.

"Whaddaya want? It's too early for visitors." Katsukame said. He was extremely tall and buff. "Aw, man! You kiddin' me? How do they already know we're here?" Rock Lock asked. "No time for questions. Let's go!" Another hero said. "That's good. I'm waking up a little." Katsukame said, preparing to attack. "Brace yourselves." Ryukyu said. "Why are you people here?" When the dust cleared from the attack, it showed the Ryukyu had changed into a dragon.

 "Listen to me. We shouldn't split up too many of our forces yet. The Ryukyu Agency will take care of this villain." Ryukyu said. "I'll help too!" Shura said, taking out her sword. The rest of us were told to storm in. We wasted no time in entering the house. Of course, there were thugs outside, protecting their layer. 

The other heroes took care of them as we progressed. "We've got this. Don't we?" Mirio asked. "Why that's an obvious question." I said. "Yes!" Midoriya said. 'Eri. We're on our way. This time will be different. This time, we'll save you!' I thought.

The police were pushing and showing the thugs away from us with their shields as we continued to run. We were assuming that the more powerful Quirk users were underground, making their escape already. No on my watch. No way! We stopped at a part of the house where there was some writing and a flower vase. 

Nighteye pressed the wood tiles he saw when he used Foresight. It was like a ninja hideout. We had to keep our guards up for this. Three thugs came out of the door. Bubble Girl and Centipeder handled them, allowing us and the police to advance further. "We're almost there. Hurry!" Nighteye said.

 We came across a dead end, or at least, what we thought of was a dead end. Mirio offered to take a look through the wall. Because Mirio's suit was made out of his hair, he was able to pass through walls without worrying about getting naked. "The hallway's just been blocked with this wall." Mirio said. "Unfortunately, breaking though it's not gonna be easy." "I knew this Chisaki guy could tear grap apart and put it back together, but damn." Rock Lock said. 

"It was just a cheap trick." Fatgum said. "If he did this, it's gotta mean that we're on the right track!" I said. "Yeah, you're right." Kirishima hardened himself, I drew out my dagger, enhancing my strength, and Midoriya activated One For All. "But he's an idiot if he thinks a dumb wall will stop us!" Kirishima said. We combined our strengths to open a path for the rest of the heroes.

 "We need to keep moving." Mirio said. We continued to run, but we felt like the walls, the ceiling, and floor beneath us starting to move. "What the--" I asked. This must be the power of Mimic. It was like the room was moving like waves, making me feel dizzy. "What's going on?" Kirishima asked. "Everything's twisting!" Midoriya said. I tried to keep my balance. Since Eraser Head couldn't see his real body, he couldn't stop him. Mirio started to head off on his own, passing through the walls.

 He was desperate to save Eri. "Lemillion!" Nighteye said. "Come back!" Midoriya said. "Speed is what matters right now. Those guys know it, too, that's why they're stalling for time. I'm going on ahead!" Mirio shouted. He was running through the walls, unaffected by them. Just then, a hole opened up underneath our feet, causing us to fall. The wall above us closed, trapping us in a room. "Now where are me?" Midoriya asked. "Somewhere even farther from the target! Those guys're really srewin' with us." Rock Lock said.

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