Conflicted Feelings

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"Suguro, Miwa, Shima. You guys haven't seen your families in a while, so go spend some time with them." Shura said. "Thanks." Shima and Miwa replied in unison. "Moriyama, Kamiki, Akia, Takara, Okumura, Todoroki, Midoriya and Iida. Tend to the wounded. We good?" Shura asked.

"Yes, ma'am." We replied. "Follow me, guys. I'll take you to 'em." Kinzo showed us where the wounded were. "There are so many." Midoriya and Izumo said. "And there's another 15 or so back in the guesthouse." Kinzo explained.

"OK, everyone, here's the plan. They're making an herbal antidote in the kitchen, so we're going to need you to hand it out. Oh, and if you see any empty IVs, replace them." The exorcist told us. "Right." We said. I went out to help with the patients. Rin however was held back, and told to pick up the trash.

I was told to get something from a tall shelf. Just so you know, I was relatively small compared to my brothers. I was around the same height at Shiemi. When I saw the tall shelf, I mentally cursed myself for being short. However, this did not stop me from getting the box full of medical supplies.

I placed a chair under my feet to stand up, and get the box. However, when I got it, the chair started to wobble, and I felt my legs becoming jelly. I closed my eyes, holding the box, preparing to hit the ground, but I felt a pair of arms catch me, before I hit the ground.

I looked up at the heterochromic eyes, admiring their color. "You should be more careful on chairs, Akia." Todoroki told me. "T-Thanks, Todoroki!" I smiled at him.

He soon settled me down on the ground. We made our way to the wounded again. Todoroki and I passed out the medicine to the wounded.

Just then, we heard fighting coming from the other room, and soon, chants began. What was happening in the other room? Just then, a snake broke down one of the walls, coming straight towards me. "Akia!" I heard Todoroki yell. "Watch out!" I heard Rin yell.

Just then, three familiar figures came in front of me and one of them chanted a spell, creating a shield to block the snake that was headed towards me. "That's enough!" Suguro yelled. 

Shima and Miwa were here too. "Bon." The brown haired guy asked from the room where the snake was.

"Master Ryuji." A woman said. She had white hair, with bangs. "We got the enemy right outside our door, so now's not the time to be fighting." Suguro said. I was still shocked to hear anything else. Did Suguro just save me?

Why? If he hated Rin and I so much then...why did he save me? I'm the spawn of Satan, and he was responsible for killing so many exorcists on the Blue Night. So why did he save me? Before I knew it, he was leaving, About to exit the room, he stopped and saw him glancing at me. "Next time, be more careful." He told me before he walked away.

It was already getting dark. I was asked to make dinner with Ryuji's mother while the guys chopped wood. Shiemi was cleaning the dishes. After Toraku and I were done preparing the food, she went to call the guys, leaving me alone with Shiemi.

She was still silent. It was awkward between the two of us. The silence dominating the kitchen. However, silence passed when they came back. "If you got grunt work, I'm your man." I heard Rin say.

"Yeah. We'll do anything we can to help." Iida said. After packing up the food, I handed it over to Rin. "There we go." Rin said, "My goodness, you two are as strong as an ox." Toraku complemented us. "Well, Ryuju, you just going to stand there?" Toraku asked him. Suguro became annoyed.

After they left, we were told that our time ended, meaning we could have dinner and sleep. I grabbed some juice and some left over food that I made with Toraku. I wondered how the food tasted.

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