Mr and Mrs bhalla

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Avu: we can't do this!

Sid: but we have to for.......

He went quiet, and Avneet goes and hugs him.

Avu: I know! We have to they are with them only.

Sid: hmm.

Sid said hmm and they both lay on bed. After sometime they got message from the man.

Do it soon! Then you will find their bodies.

Avu: sid has to do now.

Avneet went out and called cookie in her room, she was some how controlling her tears. Cookie came up running and sat on bed beside Sid and hugs his arm.

Cookie: yes mom and dad?

Sid pushes her and she got hurt on her head. Avu was watching them, but what should she can do, has to hurt them for their life's.

Cookie: what happen dad?

She asked while crying, and they both were showing her that they are not even hurt by seeing her hurt. The. Sid said her.

Sid: listen you bitch! We are not your mom and dad, we are their copy. We are wearing masks. You have to do what we are saying, if you don't listen and told everyone that we are not real, then we both will.....

Sid hesitate and complete the sentence after 3 minutes pause.

Sid: we will kill your small sister. What's her name, yes tia.

He said and cookie was crying, very badly. They both can't see her crying. When someone knocks the door, avi went and open. Sid made cookie sat straight and start cleaning the blood which was coming from her head. When she opens the door it was Sam with tia.

Avu: Sammy!

She said and cookie made disgusting face to her and smile at Sam. When Sam saw her hurt he came and sat beside her.

Sam: what happen?

He asked and she was going to tell but Sid glared at her. She smile and said

Cookie: nothing Sammy just I fell down and dad scold me for not walking properly.

She said and Sam laugh at her.

Sam: did great mom dad. She deserves this scold

Sam said and cookie hit him on head, Avu wants to hug her and tell that I am there baby, sorry for hurting you all.

Avu: come here baby girl give me a hug.

She said and cookie was scared, she was scared of her own mother. She was not coming when Sid whispered in her ear.

Sid: if you will not go then...

She quickly stand and went towards Avu and Avu hugs her tightly, very tightly like her life is dependent on her. She was going to cry but Sid stops her.

Avu: sorry baby girl! Has to do this..

She said in her mind. Sam went away and cookie pushed her mother and ran out from the room. Sidneet fell on the ground and started crying.

Avu: we hurt her also, Sid we are the worst parents ever in this world. We are hurting them, very badly. They will never forgive us.

Avu said and hugs Sid, she saw tia was on bed and she crawled till her and picks her up. She was going to hug her, when cookie came and took her.

Avu: cookie! Give me back.

She shouted at her, but she didn't listen and went back to her room.

SHADI KE SIDE EFFECTS (Completed ✔️)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें