Samar (sam)

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Next day:

Sid woke up first, and make both aavy and cookie ready. And he also gets ready. He went down and make breakfast for all.

Aavy: where is mommy?

Sid: she is sleeping, and your little brother/sister is also sleeping.

Cookie: we love them dad!

Sid: I know, baby. Now both of you eat, and let us surprise mommy.

They both were sitting, and having breakfast. After that....Sid went and send them to school in school bus. He went upstairs and put some note, in side table. And went office.

Avneet woke up, and saw the time. It was 12:30 in afternoon.

Avu: you slept this much! They have missed the school. I missed office, why Sid hasn't wake me up?

She was going into aarshi room, before she saw note on the table.

Dear love,
Don't worry about aarshi, till you woke up, they will be back home, and from today you are not going to come office. Again you have to take rest, till 2 years. Leave all that, fresh up and go down stairs, but don't run like rabbit, because our little one is with you. Acha go down stairs and eat your lunch, I have already make for you. It's in the refrigerator, make it warm and eat. And I love you.

Yours lovingly,

She smiles and went down carefully, and opened the fridge. It was another note.

Baby girl, after eating this, make sure you take rest. Because if you lay down then baby will grow healthy.

Avu: pata tha mujhe yeh phir se hoga, aarav aur khushi ke time bhi, bed se niche utar ne nahi deta tha.

She eat her lunch, and was going upstairs, then bell rang. She went and open the door her kids was standing dull.

Avu: hi babies, mommy missed you!

They both hugs her, and she took them to living room.

Avu: lets change your clothes!

They three went upstairs. They both brought their clothes, and avu was going to change....

Aarshi: mommy we can do it, because now we are big kids.

They both struggle, changing clothes.....but in end Avu made them wear.

Avu: you must become big, but for mommy still kids.

They kissed her cheeks.

Aavy: can we talk with baby?

Avu: sure!

Cookie: first me!

Aavy: ok'

Avu: you agreed? Surprising.

Aavy: I am big now.

Avu: ok.

She took them in her room, and she was lying on the bed. Aavy was keeping her head on her shoulder, and cookie was, keeping her ear on Avus tummy, and was talking.

Cookie: you know, baby! Our mamma is best mom in whole world!

Aavy: no doubt!

Avu kissed his forehead, and cookie was still talking with baby. She got call from India, and it was her mother. She picks up.

SHADI KE SIDE EFFECTS (Completed ✔️)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें