Chapter 87: Dark

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Qrow jolted awake in his cell, beads of sweat had built up on his brow from the nightmare he just had. He had seen Hawk, being torn apart by multiple Grimm. Except, they weren't normal Grimm. Half of them bore resemblance to Salem, while the other half resembled Ozpin.

Qrow looked around at the other cells, seeing Jacques nervously looking upwards whenever an explosion went off. Watts was laying on his bed, looking relatively calm for what's happening.

Robyn: "Yup. Not getting much sleep here either. Sounds bad out there."

Another explosion seemed to shake the beds everyone was sitting on, which caused Qrow's eyes to shoot wide open.

Qrow: "Wait. That doesn't sound like-"

Everyone gave nervous glances towards the wall, just as a fiery explosion caused the wall to explode towards the cells.

Qrow: "Get down!"

The blast shoots past their cells, leaving fires and rubble scattered in its wake. Some of the cell walls had been disabled when the ceiling cracked, causing chunks of the ceiling to collapse as well. Robyn raised her head after the initial explosion, looking surprised when she saw a black bird screeching. She glanced up, then quickly went down for cover as more of the ceiling collapsed around her.

After the rubble stopped falling, Cinder flew through the hole that she blasted in the wall, glancing around the area with a smirk. Calmly walking over to the rubble, she noticed Watts' hand partially sticking out from the debris. Cinder began removing the rubble, and within moments she uncovered Watts, who seemed somewhat dazed as he harshly coughed.

Cinder: "You know, this may be the first time I've ever been happy to see you."

Watts: "Cinder."

Cinder held out a hand to him, which Watts accepted. She pulled him back to his feet, and slung his arm around her neck to support him.

Watts: "What are you-"

Before he could finish, Cinder had placed a hand over his mouth.

Cinder: "It's my turn to ask for something."

Before he could ask, Cinder had lifted him off his feet to carry him over her shoulder. Just as she started walking again, several Atlas soldiers burst into the room.

Soldier: "It's her!"

Cinder scoffed when they aimed their weapons at her. Using her power, she lifted off the ground and flew over the soldiers, going right back outside from the hole.


Nora slowly opens her eyes, letting out a low groan as her movements caused her body to ache. At first, her vision was blurry, but after a few blinks it began to clear. She raised up a hand, examining the burn scars that went down her entire arm.

Klein: "No need to worry, miss. You and your friend are going to be just fine."

Nora shifted her gaze towards Klein, who was adjusting an i.v bag that hung above her bed. She was about to speak, but the door to the room suddenly flew open. Blake held the door as Hawk, Ruby, Whitley, and Weiss carried an unconscious Penny.

Blake: "She lost consciousness. And she's... leaking."

Klein: "Set her down, set her down."

The group set Penny down into a mattress that was set up beside Nora's bed. Whitley let out a disgusted noise as he examined the neon green liquid that stained his clothes. Ruby and Weiss examined the stains on their own clothing with no comments, while Hawk didn't seem to pay it any attention.

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