Chapter 36: Saying Goodbye

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Hawk gasped as he woke up. He was laying on the ground of an airship, flying towards Vale's hospital. Hawk struggled to sit up but someone pushed him back down.

Cardin: "Don't move. You're lucky to still be alive."

Hawk: "Cardin?"

Cardin looked beaten and bruised up, but nothing too extreme. He gave a nod as he made sure Hawk stayed on the spot.

Cardin: "Hawk. You have multiple fractures, and we just managed to stop your bleeding. Your aura is extremely weakened, so your recovery will take a while."

Hawk coughed a bit, holding his chest. Cardin looked to the side when more blood began to dribble out of Hawk's mouth.

Cardin: "Velvet."

Velvet nodded and sat down on the other side of Hawk, taking some fresh cloths and wiping his mouth. Hawk looked between the two surprised.

Hawk: "Cardin... when did you-"

Cardin: "Stop being an ass? I guess the end of Beacon gave me a reality check. I need to help my team. You better not die Hawk, and... it's good to see you're alive."

Hawk chuckled quietly as Cardin moved away. Velvet shook her head while staring at him.

Velvet: "Hawk? What happened to you? Your dad wouldn't tell us anything. He just carried you to the airship... and you were covered in blood."

Hawk: "Help me sit up."

Velvet nodded and slowly moved Hawk so he could sit against the wall of the ship. There were many others who were injured, some were looking worse than others.

Hawk: "Where's team RWBY?"

Velvet: "On another shuttle. This one is carrying the life-threatening injured students. Yang and Blake are doing better. Plus your dad went with them too."

Hawk frowned at that, but nodded. He looked down and took note that his clothes were coated in dry blood. It made him feel sick to his stomach. Someone had treated him for most of his cuts.

Hawk: "Thanks Velvet. How are your team?"

Velvet: "Lucky considering. Bruises and scraps mostly. Hawk... what did this to you?"

Hawk looked down, his gaze getting cold as Cinder appeared in his mind.

Hawk: "A monster... Is anyone of JNPR on this ship?"

Velvet nodded and pointed over to a corner. Hawk could see Ren, Nora, and Jaune huddled together. That's when Hawk realized that Jaune was holding Pyrrha's headdress. Hawk tried to stand, but Velvet kept him down.

Velvet: "What are you doing?!"

Hawk: "I need to talk to them... and ask for forgiveness. Pyrrha-"

Hawk stopped, his voice catching in his throat. Velvet sighed but shook her head.

Velvet: "I'll get them. You stay put."

Hawk watched nervously as Velvet walked over and started talking to the three of them. Their conversation was lost from the noises inside the ship, but the death glare Jaune gave Hawk made it all too clear how he thought. Nora and Ren tried to talk with Jaune, but he turned away from them and refused to move. Ren and Nora sighed and made their way to Hawk, the two of them limping while Velvet left them to talk privately.

Hawk: "Guys... I-I..."

Nora dropped and grabbed Hawk, pulling him into a hug. Hawk winced in pain, but didn't bring it up when he saw the tears running down her face as she held onto him. Ren kneeled down beside the two and placed his hand on Hawk's shoulder.

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