Chapter 88: Witch

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Ruby: "Hawk... Hawk stop and talk to me!"

Hawk kept pacing back and forth in the front entryway, as he kept looking at the pile of fallen armor, and the blackened skeleton arm still sticking out from it. His mind was racing as he kept glancing at the arm.

Weiss had taken Whitley and Willow to her room, hoping to help the two calm down after their traumatic experience. Blake had also gone to help Klein get Penny back to the room.

Hawk let out a heavy sigh as he leaned the banister. His hands shook as mental images of the Faunus that was bonded with his Hound haunted him.

Ruby: "Hawk!"

Ruby grabbed Hawk by his arms, their eyes locking as Ruby held him still. Hawk bit his tongue when he saw the look Ruby had on her face. Her eyes shined from tears that were beginning to build; and for the first time, showed distrust. He felt his heart shatter in guilt.

Ruby: "Hawk. That... thing... called you father. D-Did you-?"

Hawk: "Yes. I created the Hound."

Her eyes widened in horror, and she recoiled away from him as if Hawk shoved her.

Ruby: "Y-You... did this?!"

Hawk: "Of course not! I'm more horrified by this than you know! When I first saw it, I remembered something from my past life. How I created the Hound."

Ruby hugged her arms as she started shaking, her eyes drifting towards the skeletal arm.

Ruby: "T-That person... had silver eyes."

Hawk closed his eyes tightly, knowing she was right. The Faunus trapped inside did have a visible silver eye. But he couldn't bare to acknowledge the same conclusion that Ruby made. Ruby dropped to the stairs, tears running down her face as she held her head.

Ruby: "Mom... she... Salem wants me alive, because-"

Hawk: "Please don't say it..."

Ruby glared as she looked up at Hawk.

Ruby: "Salem... did this to my mom! You're mother did this!! Do you still think she can be saved?!"

Hawk felt his own tears run down his face, not being able to make his voice work as he sobbed. Hawk went towards Ruby, but she jumped to her feet and shoved Hawk away from her. Hawk was startled by the shove that he lost his footing, falling to the floor as Ruby stood over him.

Ruby: "Who's side are you on?! You're here with us, but you keep trying to protect Salem! After everything that's happened, how can you defend her?!"

Hawk: "Ruby, please-"

Ruby: "No Hawk. Until you can answer my question... I can't trust you anymore."

Hawk felt his breath leave him, closing his eyes as he weeped. Ruby had her own tears running down her face, but she kept a strong face. He shakily pushed himself to his feet, looking at Ruby with a broken expression.

Hawk: "You... said that... you'd never lose faith in me."

Ruby: "I know... but after seeing..."

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