Chapter 90: Risks

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Shortly after Ironwood's message was sent out, Winter and himself were walking down corridors of the Atlas military base. Winter tried to keep her eyes forward, while struggling to maintain her faith in Ironwood. But it was a difficult challenge. The words he spoke in the message replayed over and over again in her head, as she silently prayed that the threat to blow up Mantle was just a bluff.

As the two walked, Winter saw two guards approaching from an intersecting hall. The two jumped at the sight of Ironwood, snapping at attention with a salute. While Ironwood didn't pay them much attention, Winter noticed how fearful they looked at the sight of him. Troubled by what she saw, she decided it would be best not to comment as they continued walking.


Somewhere else in the base, the Ace Ops were discussing with each other about the plan Ironwood created. Elm and Vine were trying to calm down Marrow, who was furious with the idea, while Harriet remained silent.

Elm: "Of course he's not going to do it."

Marrow: "So what, he's bluffing? With the whole city?"

Vine: "It may finally push the kids to see reason."

Harriet: "Who cares? If it brings Penny and Hawk in, does it really matter how?"

Marrow had to bite his tongue to snap at Harriet's attitude. That was when a door opened to allow Ironwood and Winter to enter the room. The four quickly lined up and stood at attention.

Ironwood: "Good, you're here. I need a squad of drones in standby to drop the payload."

Winter's eyes widened in surprise as she glanced at the general.

Winter: "Sir, what for?"

Ironwood: "I believe I was clear in the broadcast. If they give me a reason, I'm gonna remove Mantle from the equation. This is how we save Atlas."

Winter was stunned by the cold tone in his voice, as Ironwood refused to even glance in her direction. Even the four Ace Ops were shocked by the fact that his threat wasn't a bluff.

Ironwood began to walk away from the group, but Marrow finally had enough. He stepped out of line to glare at the general.

Marrow: "You call this saving Atlas? Doing Salem's job for her?!"

Ironwood stopped his walk, his hands still behind his back but didn't turn to look at Marrow. Marrow started to walk towards him, becoming more distraught as he continued speaking.

Marrow: "I believed in you! I thought we could work towards something better. But now you're throwing it all away."

Harriet quickly stepped in front of Marrow, standing between him and Ironwood. She placed a hand on his shoulder, holding him back while Ironwood still didn't look at him.

Harriet: "If you don't shut your mouth, I'm going to do it for you."

Vine: "If this is what gets the children to cooperate, then it's worth it."

Elm: "I don't like this either, but the top priority is..."

Marrow pushed past Harriet to get closer to Ironwood, looking furious at his teammates.

Marrow: "Do you even believe what you're saying anymore? Do any of you believe in anything? I used to wear this rank with pride. Now I see it for what it really is: a collar."

With that, Marrow pushed through the Ace Ops to leave. It was then that Ironwood turned around, pulling his revolver free from its holster and cocking it. Marrow froze mid-step at the sound, but that was when Winter suddenly punched him in the face, knocking him to the ground.

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