Chapter 9: Forever Fall

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Hawk was walking towards his dorm room after a long training session with professor Port. Being a one man team, he had to perform some additional sessions to make sure he could keep pace with the four man teams. Tonight he had to fight two Ursas at the same time, which proved to be harder than expected. They gave him a nasty beating, but he managed to beat both of them without any severe injuries. Hawk let out a long stretched yawn as he walked, hearing the muffled sounds of people talking in their rooms about the field trip tomorrow morning. He didn't know what to expect, because Professor Goodwitch had told him he would have a different task to perform.

Hawk glanced up and scowled when he saw Jaune peeping in on his team. For the past week since their argument on the roof, Jaune suddenly became best friends with Cardin and his team. Then, he started avoiding everyone on both teams RWBY and JNPR. Jaune glanced and saw Hawk walking towards him, he gently closed the door and went to say hello, but a quick glare from Hawk froze Jaune mid-step.

Jaune: "Hawk, wait! I need to-"

Hawk: "Save it Jaune. You threw my help back into my face when I offered. Why should I help you? Since you apparently don't want to be around us."

With that, Hawk walked past a defeated looking Jaune. Ruby poked her head out of her room, only wearing her pyjamas and grabbed Hawk's arm as he was going by.

Ruby: "What happened between you two?! He needs your help! A friend-"

Hawk: "Ruby, please. I don't want to get into it with you. He threw our friendship into the mud. Until he makes up for that, I don't care."

Ruby looked shocked as Hawk took a breath to calm down. He quickly gave a hug to her and she returned it.

Hawk: "You should help him Ruby. You're probably the only person who can right now."

As they pulled away from each other, Ruby had a gleam in her eye and she nodded smiling. Ruby walked over to Jaune while Hawk went into his room and closed the door, muffling out the sounds in the hallway.

Hawk walked over and quickly pulled off his combat clothing, slipping on his nightwear before sitting on the edge of his bed, feeling conflicted about what to do about Jaune.

Time skip thanks to Chibi Jaune trying to hold onto his malfunctioning shield.

Hawk was walking with teams RWBY, JNPR, and CRDL in a forest of red leaves and grey trunks. Leading the way was professor Goodwitch. Hawk looked around and couldn't help but admire the strange beauty of the forest.

Glynda: "Yes, students, the forest of Forever Fall is indeed beautiful. But we are not here to sight-see. Professor Peach has asked all of you to collect samples from the trees deep inside this forest, and I'm here to make sure none of you die while doing so. Also, mr. Branwen shall be assisting me in keeping you all alive."

RWBY looked at Hawk who smiled in response and gave them a quick thumbs up. Cardin snorted skeptically but didn't say anything. Jaune was walking behind the group carrying a huge stack of jars while trying to keep his balance. He accidentally bumped into Cardin, who spun around and glared at Jaune. Jaune started whistling out of tune as he looked away.

Glynda: "Each of you is to gather one jar's worth of red sap. However, this forest is full of the creatures of Grimm, so be sure to stay by your teammates. We will rendezvous back here at 4 o'clock. Have fun! Mr. Branwen, do be careful and don't stray too far from either team RWBY or JNPR."

Hawk smiled and nodded as he unsheathed his sword and gave it a practice swish through the air. Teams RWBY and JNPR walked towards the group of trees in front of them while CRDL went in the opposite direction; dragging Jaune with them. Hawk frowned at this but turned and walked away from the teams and into the forest.

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