Chapter 62: The Lady in the Shoe

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Hawk flew through the sky as fast as his wings could carry him as he headed towards the radio tower. As he flew, Hawk was trying to figure out what could have possibly happened to Blake. He doubted an Atlas soldier would have beaten her, Blake is too skilled for that. But because she hasn't answered, something must have jumped her to make her lose her scroll. Someone who could surprise Blake...

Hawk's eyes widened as the horrible feeling grew in his chest. The only person who came to mind that could get the jump on Blake was Adam. He hoped he was wrong with that guess, but Blake and even Yang were being jumpy for most of the trip to Argus. Hawk silently cursed himself, not trying to figure out what had them on edge when they were travelling.

Hawk flew over the tree line in front of him, finally reaching the radio tower. He gasped in horror as he saw Blake facing off against Adam. Adam had abandoned his Fang outfit and mask, now wearing a black outfit with a blindfold wrapped over his eyes.

Adam was chasing Blake through the forest, shooting his rifle at her as Blake used her ribbon to swing through the trees, trying to put distance between the two of them.


Adam fired his sword from its sheath, the hilt smacking Blake in the side which caused her to miss with her ribbon and fall to the ground. Hawk dove down as Adam kicked Blake from the tree line to have themselves standing on a stone walkway that had formed beside a waterfall, with a rushing river running below the path. Blake went to attack Adam, but Adam quickly overpowered her and tried to slash her across the abdomen. Blake only managed to avoid it by quickly using her semblance, her jacket being left behind to be slashed in two.

Adam: "I wouldn't have to be doing this if you just behaved!"

Blake locked blades with Adam, but Adam had grabbed her wrist that held her cleaver, kicking her in the side and robbing her of the blade. Adam kicked her further backwards as he tossed her cleaver to the side while storming towards her.

Adam: "But you're selfish! You're a coward!"

Blake picked herself back up as she held her blade at the ready.

Blake: "You're delusional!"

Adam yelled as he used his semblance, powering his sword as he slashed down at Blake. Blake tried to use her weapon to block, but was knocked backwards as her blade was broke into two pieces.

Hawk morphed out of his bird form, kicking Adam in the middle of his back and sent Adam down to the ground.

Hawk: "You and me. We didn't get to finish last time. So why don't you stop harassing Blake and fight like a real swordsman."

Adam: "Hawk Branwen..."

Adam growled as Blake stared at Hawk with shock. Adam jumped to his feet and took a slash at Hawk, but Hawk leaned backwards and summersaulted backwards. Hawk unsheathes his katana and assumed a stance, keeping his blade held in front of him with a two-hand grip. Adam stood with his own katana, the two standing there waiting for the other to make the first move.

Adam: "You think you can beat me with the same blade I use?"

Hawk: "No. I don't need this to beat you. I've fought stronger enemies, which shows me how badly outclassed you are."

Adam yelled in rage and charged Hawk, sheathing his blade as he ran at him. Hawk narrowed his eyes as Adam stepped in range, pulling the trigger on his sheath to fire his sword out. Hawk raised his sword and blocked the attack, the impact causing both blades to violently shake. Hawk pushed Adam backwards and began performing intricate slashes at Adam. Adam was momentarily surprised but quickly began blocking the attacks, gasping in pain as an attack hit his aura when he wasn't able to block them fast enough. Hawk changed his grip to hold his sword in one hand as the two clashed blades. Adam had been focused on the katana, he didn't notice that Hawk's hand had formed an ice gauntlet until Hawk punched him in the chest with it.

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